I've written about this before, phrases that I enjoy. More so than favorite words but short sentences that evoke a feeling often that little movie that plays in your head when reading.
One phrase is "bend back your bow"
And it's all comic book carnal with our heroine in a gleaming white hooded sweatshirt dropped over a vest of body armor. The hood is up beacuse I expect her to make an amazing reveal later and flip that back. Our heroine actually looks like she kicks ass for a living so no waify anime crap here (albeit this whole scene is derivative). Our heroine can pull back on the tensile bite back of her bow string. Full face, grey eyes, Slavic features from years of hurling around crops.
She has her recurve bow, cut from a solid piece of maple and painted an inky india blue, in her hand and when she bends it back the bowstring is scintillating gold light.
Before she fires she runs her tongue along the back of her teeth and presses into a gap made by missed braces in adolescence. This is her centering technique before she lets loose at the imaginary enemy.
A coal smoking tank looping around on a battered cul-de-sac road. A speeding thief on a neon green crotch rocket bike. The office villian made out in all black. Something to end and blow back a wall of heat for a winning pose.