If you let some thing go long enough then it will become meta. Except for this blog which was meta from the first point because I imagine everyone knew the intricate backstory and references of failed blogs of years prior.
And I am not clever enough to have come up with that. Its a TV Tropes thing for sure. But they will make in jokes or maybe even have an episode where all these things come to a head. Or there is a musical episode because why not!? I sound great in the car so lets sing!
I sometimes think about a musical at work. I am going about my day and we break into song.
Its kinetic as people bounce around from room to room and complete tasks.Its a Busby Berkeley routine set to Jimmy Eat World's "Authority Song"
Its how the hustle goes
see what the jukebox knows...
See it is us walking in to start the day and this replaces all the usual pleasantries and good mornings. Lets get ready to go. The jukebox is checking messages and morning announcements.
Or in a very kinetic motion I hit a literal jukebox that pushes out these announcements in pop art styles that flash on the screen. Maybe I spin a coworker in a big twirl so she leans back and hit this jukebox to start the scene. In this montage I am 40 lbs lighter. And coordinated.
Honesty or Mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore
Again, lets do this. Its me and 4 other people climbing up the stairs backward and snapping fingers. This whole thing has this 50s big band Grease feel and its hackneyed but the song fits it. Someone vaults over a staircase railing in this montage and they Parkour spin to land elegantly on the ground.
And that chorus..."Do I-I-I-I-I-I-I?"
You know there are five ladies poking out of offices and classrooms to sing that. Just their heads poking out from the door frame to fill the space.
Mind you this whole montage ends with people getting to their desks. Its like that opening scene in La La Land where everyone zips and jives on the freeway before it ends with one single sweep of every door and keystroke of a log in.
Before all that for sure it will become much more active and people spin from room to room. Switch chairs that they slide over the office to each other.
If those were Roy's headphones
You bet he play What Goes on
This line befuddles me but I deal with headphones so I imagine someone popping out from out of frame with broken headphones and a frown on their face. Then I take a look and pocket them to fix later but uttering this line for sure.
Ah well I'm here
That means something doesn't it
I already said how this ends so maybe we should close on here?
Best place on the Internet for Slovenian cyber heroines, desert island enthusiasts, and perpetual day dreamers
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
Quick Exercise-Lakeview
I found myself fortunate to have an elevated view. Even a few stories up I can see the lake and break wall tops soaked by waves. This spring broke records for rain fall and from the position I can see it. Not just in the break wall but also the submerged docks under a inch of water. Still usable but annoying just like the soggy shoes of those walking it.
The lake appears marbled. Oceanic cerulean on the horizon and then closer to the edge a strong chocolate brown ribbon likely 100 of yards wide. Its "catfish water," which is a term I coined for the slurry you toss from a home aquarium during water changes. There is silt poured from the river but I beat there is fish scales and detritus layered up and down in a watery parfait.
Then at the shore the brown breaks and its the dusty geode blue I am used to. Where it goes clear in tiny portions scooped into your hands.
"I've never seen it that way," says my roof mate. "So high and in those colors."
It has been a slow summer so I reply "Yeah, you are right. Must be all the rain"
The lake appears marbled. Oceanic cerulean on the horizon and then closer to the edge a strong chocolate brown ribbon likely 100 of yards wide. Its "catfish water," which is a term I coined for the slurry you toss from a home aquarium during water changes. There is silt poured from the river but I beat there is fish scales and detritus layered up and down in a watery parfait.
Then at the shore the brown breaks and its the dusty geode blue I am used to. Where it goes clear in tiny portions scooped into your hands.
"I've never seen it that way," says my roof mate. "So high and in those colors."
It has been a slow summer so I reply "Yeah, you are right. Must be all the rain"
Monday, June 03, 2019
Wrote this while tired
At around 9pm every night I develop a special kind of tired. Dizzy tired. Not slap happy or exhausted but just out of sorts. I will yawn in sharp gasps and my eyes will well with tears. My legs hurt and the arch of my foot gnaws through all the steroid shots. Through the custom fit insoles and stretches. I'll stutter and hug every throw pillow on the couch. "Let me rest for just 10 minutes," I'll lie to myself, my wife, my family. My life. I used to hobby. Now I pass out by 9:30pm.
As a youth I had a water bed. It was a hand me down from a neighbor who passed it in pieces over the backyard fence. Then my family rebuilt it piece by piece. We then went to the store and got new sheets for it. Ones specifically marketed as "for water beads," which at the time made us feel very sophisticated (it was at a Kmart but this was a find) but was truly a scam. It was a comforter.
It fooled people. I had no real chairs in my room so let's sit on the bed and...woah! What the fuck! It fooled relatives who thought it a wondrous novelty like the block of ice in a Hundred Years of Solitude. It fooled my dogs who jumped on it and just looked betrayed. My father sank into it before he died. I had a girl in my room once. Just the two of us. Water bed. And, nothing happened albeit yeah I hyped that up.
"On the water bed, man!"
"Wtf dude? Its Nora and I bet not"
"Man...damnit....fuck you"
"Wtf dude? Its Nora and I bet not"
"Man...damnit....fuck you"
In college I slept in a high loft. On the extra long mattresses meant for Japanese pod hotels. I can put my desk and dresser underneath it! My little 13" TV on top of the dresser. Saving so much space!
But I had no sheets. I slept on tapestries. Some given to me by friends as gifts and others I found around campus. I worked as a cleaner over the summer and we all scavenged dorms for items left behind. My entire late college lifestyle was a series of castoffs. The nicest thing I had was a bicycle i bought called Guildenstern.
My girlfriend came to visit one summer, driving straight in the night 6 hours from Ohio and saw the tapestries. The baby blue knitted rug over them. "Please change these or I will never sleep in the same bed as you again." I went to work the other day and she had gone to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a whole new set of sheets for me.
Made of bamboo fibers
Wow! Was there a white sale?
The fuck is a white sale?
My mom said the best time to buy sheets and towels was during a white sale. Was there one? Where did you go?
Wow! Was there a white sale?
The fuck is a white sale?
My mom said the best time to buy sheets and towels was during a white sale. Was there one? Where did you go?
Years later I now sleep on a couch. Dizzy tired and hugging pillows. I ball up old hoodies for pillows and was up actual pillows into my arms. The dip where my body has worn the couch into a sad gravity prevents anyone from getting up from the couch without setting down their drink. It is where I am dizzy tired.
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