Friday, November 10, 2023


My best friend growing up had a handy crafty dad whose day job was architect. He made a live tabletop war mini game called "Tanks and Battleships" with ships made of painted clothespins and tiny tanks made of cork and balsa wood. It's the miniature scene out of Bettlejuice just much more homespun and focused on WW2 style island hopping combat. Like big boy tabletop games (like Warhammer 40K) it was all about range and how much your guys could move. And dice. The rules...well I don't remember ever seeing a rule book or agreement but six was the truth. You wanted a six. It is like hitting a 20 in Dungeons and Dragons. Why we didn't use d20s I never thought about until I was much older so we just slummed it with six sided dice. 

My friend invented the ultimate cripied taunt to throw off your roll. We will be 40 something years old and check in twice a year on our respective birthdays and we will say "Dice demon, dice demon! No more six!"

When you hit a six after being felt like a God. When the taunt worked and you didn't hit a six then you just wanted to be very very small.

I'll scream dice demon in non rolling situations. Dice demon people throwing free throws or fully loaded baseball counts. Dice demon your boss when they ask for a volunteer and they are forced by the collective unwillingness of the team to pick someone to talk. "You guys are a tough crowd so I'll have to pick someone...."

Hit them with "Dice demon! Dice demon! Pick someone else!"

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