Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Long Night of Solace

I think I'm going to put the blog formally on hiatus. I've reached a comfortable nadir in my life, edging between depression and spurts of creativity. These things always sound better in my head and I often write in secret. Very early before everyone wakes up, usually, albeit now I just want to sleep.

I'll read poetry and no longer feel I want to write something so cutting. Instead I feel tiny and envious and angry. Over something that someone, on a good day, maybe got paid 200 dollars for and sits published in a dusty book in the back o beyond of your local library. 

I won't delete it. And, I think I'll pop back when I feel I have something to say to put to digital paper. 

Don't worry about me. I know I live a life of extraordinary privilege. Even when I'm bluesy and do not look forward to going to the office (which is every day, am I right), I am fortunate to have what I have. It's late stage capitalism. I think we all have the right to be bluesy, just different degrees of it.

If you read this and enjoyed it, then thank you! 

If you read this and didn't, then thank you for reading. Maybe you stumbled on it and felt what is this boring little spiraling thing.

See everyone later!

Sunday Morning

 My father was not a man of faith That is something I stole from him, that phrase I use to politely defuse the handsome couple at my door on...