I know that you were all looking forward to a 2008 filled with blog posts here at Fear of the Blank Page, but the situation has changed.
I got a new part-time job right before Christmas! I won't say with who, but its in the field and its work from home. However, between my day job at the law office and working for the paper, I am stretched for time. At full tilt, I should be working about 55+ hours a week now and the blog has got to go before anything else.
I rather admit to it right now in a formal post, then leave you readers languishing for more content. The new gig only lasts until the end of April, so look for more regular posts come May and early summer. I will always try to squeeze in a post here or there, but as of today, January 8, 2008, Fear of the Blank Page is officially dormant until late spring.

Hey, my blog is like a bear! With big teeth and paws the size of a catcher's mitt! Ursus bloggus, the bear blog.
I hope everyone out there has fun and enjoys some of the other offerings of the blog-o-sphere. It's amazing how many voices go up on the web sometime and that we can be only be seconds away from something fascinating, hilarious, or angering. Still look for some odd posts here on the blog.
Also, a big reminder to stay active this election year and go to your primaries! GO VOTE! NO EXCUSES! This is one of the most exciting elections in years. No incumbent presidents or vice-presidents are seeking office and look at the potential firsts we could get. The first Mormon president. The first female president. First Italian-American. The first black-president. A self-made man, like my endorsement.
And, of course, here is the Fear of the Blank Page's long awaited presidential hopeful endorsement. You still need to wait a few weeks for whatever those amateurs at the New York Times endorse, but in this primary season, the Fear of the Blank Page endorses....

Hilary isn't the underdog! Edwards is, but I hope that his populist message can take him through the early primaries and into Super Tuesday. If not, maybe a second run at the vice-presidency. Why Edwards? He actual makes public comments on the whole "Two Americas" idea and the divide between rich and poor. Instead of saying we all need to come together, I like Edwards stance that we need to close that gap and actively fight poverty. He is a long shot, but not as long as my first choice, former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson.
Not to say, I find the other candidates revolting. I am always a Clinton loyalist and regret my parents couldn't have conceived me in enough time to vote for Bill and then Hillary when she ran for Senate. Damn you mom and dad! It had to be 1984, huh?! Barack Obama is a strong candidate, but I reciprocate with Edwards vocal statements about the rich-poor gap. We need a fighter in America and I can see that in Edwards.
Not to say, I find the other candidates revolting. I am always a Clinton loyalist and regret my parents couldn't have conceived me in enough time to vote for Bill and then Hillary when she ran for Senate. Damn you mom and dad! It had to be 1984, huh?! Barack Obama is a strong candidate, but I reciprocate with Edwards vocal statements about the rich-poor gap. We need a fighter in America and I can see that in Edwards.
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