Saturday, February 10, 2018

Ever notice in a montage?

Just saw an episode of MLP:FIM with the kid where Rainbow Dash goes to a Daring Do convention and meets another super fan. Daring Do is there version of Harry Potter with a lot more Indiana Jones than magic but the author is AK Yearling so the gag carries it through.

There is a montage where RB hangs with the other Super fan and they become fast friends. In a quick bit they look at some merchandise and one is a pillow with a picture of a tied up Daring Do all bound and helpless on the ground. Its a cartoon so imagine what all those damsels Snidely Whiplash would tie up and you get the picture. At seeing this RB is uncomfortable and backs away with the other Super fan.

Did MLP just make a self referential gag about the sheer amount of saucy slash/ryona fan fiction? Cause it sure looks like it!

The episode has lots of other meta tags like how the super fan hates everything after the 3rd series. Or the cosplay that ranges from bad to so good it factors into the plot. So why not? Creators going deep on this.

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