One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

R.B. MacHoppy!
I'm faking crazy! WOO HOO! I'm the ward's resident trickster, supplier, and pimp. Hey, everyone loves an Irishman willing to strangle the hell out of our tormentor. I got Billy laid! I represent free will, uncontrolled by the system. A counter-culture messiah, I am, along with Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, all those Beatles, etc. etc.
I'm faking crazy! WOO HOO! I'm the ward's resident trickster, supplier, and pimp. Hey, everyone loves an Irishman willing to strangle the hell out of our tormentor. I got Billy laid! I represent free will, uncontrolled by the system. A counter-culture messiah, I am, along with Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, all those Beatles, etc. etc.

Chief Pigden!
I represent your potential to rise up against the system. I'm an old school John Locke (Of Lost fame)! Never tell me what I can't do...but only after R.B. MacHoppy has shown me the light. I Raged against the machine even before Zach De La Rocha read his first piece of Marx, except I took it literally. Now that the Combine is dealt with, I need to get these shoes out of my way.
I represent your potential to rise up against the system. I'm an old school John Locke (Of Lost fame)! Never tell me what I can't do...but only after R.B. MacHoppy has shown me the light. I Raged against the machine even before Zach De La Rocha read his first piece of Marx, except I took it literally. Now that the Combine is dealt with, I need to get these shoes out of my way.
"Hey, finally a character I can enjoy playing. Sex, drugs, and the World Series on TV!"
"Yeah, too bad I have to kill you in other to save the ward and our collective spirits.
"Good tim...YOU CAN TALK!? KILL ME?! I thought we were going to Hollywood these posts up and have me and the chief open a sports bar on the Columbia reservation!"
"Nope, sorry. We stick true to the source material here, buddy. I'm trying to turn these into educational posts so I can get grants from the federal government."
"Oh, ok. Sure. I am sure they will pick this and your posts over something like Sesame Street. Or re-runs of Arthur."
"You know these feathers are much more a Plains Indian motif. Not that it is very representative of Native American culture in anyway..."
"Yeah, too bad I have to kill you in other to save the ward and our collective spirits.
"Good tim...YOU CAN TALK!? KILL ME?! I thought we were going to Hollywood these posts up and have me and the chief open a sports bar on the Columbia reservation!"
"Nope, sorry. We stick true to the source material here, buddy. I'm trying to turn these into educational posts so I can get grants from the federal government."
"Oh, ok. Sure. I am sure they will pick this and your posts over something like Sesame Street. Or re-runs of Arthur."
"You know these feathers are much more a Plains Indian motif. Not that it is very representative of Native American culture in anyway..."
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