Friday, December 28, 2018

Check List

I have a deep set anxiety about getting things done early. Blame my mother (If that helps) whose own fatalism and worry made me now always ALWAYS be at least 3 hours early to the airport. Which is to detriment of people I travel with. I once took a business trip with a colleague and I was so relieved when she too was "Yeah I am one of those early airport people. Do you think that is weird" No, it is not! IT IS NOT INDEED! Bullet dodged. The last time I traveled it was back from a wedding in the Bay Area and I had an early flight. Like 7:30am. I was staying at the same Berkeley bed and breakfast as a friend and his fiancee and they too also needed to leave early. "Oh, we have an international flight back to Ecuador so we like to get there early. Is that ok?" YES! YES! YES! And mind you that was his fiancee asking. My friend already knew I was in an existential panic about getting there early. 

My current job affords me these longer breaks as we follow a K-12 calendar. And I have improved because everyone implores me to "not work over break" but I can't miss that window. I often joke that life is one big video game to me and my quest list is quite long. I walk through work and up pop tiny and never ending radiant quests. 

"Oh, hey. There is petrified chocolate milk spilled on this wall. What are we going to do about it?"

Options (Choose One)

A) Ignore. You have other main storyline missions to complete. Like submitting this federal grant before the end of the year!

B) Try the hard charisma check and see if the custodian will clean it. Or if the cleaners will come in on their day off to do it. (Note my charisma is close to 0. Why waste experience and perk points on that when there are so many things to smash!)

C) Ignore and tell the teacher in said room they need to handle on their own. (This will not go over well with the NPCs who you need on your side to complete other missions. But maybe take the hit just this time? Which NPC is it? What are their stats? Is this the way to get the "good ending?" Are they cute? Because your actual boss gave you the one in option A. And that is the character that gives you your gold at the end of every mission)


 I usually go with D. Or I jot it down on endless streams of post it notes in my furious loopy doop handwriting. I draft emails on my phone and then attain a constant email zero where there is nothing unread in my inbox. If it is unread it is because I allow it to remain unread. Or usually because I did read it but then marked it unread as to remind me to do that when I get back to the office. Like marking your quest active. 

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