Friday, February 08, 2019


I am on day 3 of a "diet" where I try to limit how much bread and refined sugar. The title says keto but I really dont have the patience or budget for that. So it's low carb but paced. Its making it so I can eat "bad" foods when they organically come up. Family dinners. After work events. When the kids don't finish all their fries!
I work at a school so cookies and cupcakes are common in shared spaces. So, eating a random cupcake here then a ton of pizza at home is no good. It takes the edge off the bad dinner if I don't eat that office cupcake.

And boy does this suck. I don't eat much during the day. Breakfast is rare. A sip of coffee and 2 or 3 sparking waters. Then nothing until maybe 12noon when maybe sneak a fruit cup from the kitchen. I used to eat the leftover lunches but my team has become so good at ordering that we knife edge these lunch services with inventory out of Six Sigma blackbelts.

So I get home around 5pm and I am a wreck em hungry. And I want all the carbs! Let's fucking go my bready boys!

A favorite stress food is "tacos de Sal" which is a tortilla grilled in a frying pan with butter and salt. It is heaven and it is awful for you. So I don't fire off 2 of those and just annihilate them on the counter. That way when the kids come home and say "hey lets get pizza" I don't feel as bad.

I should really eat lunch and snack but I have yet to. So I get home and I go crazy on non breads. Give me those cheeseticks and salami! Lunchbox peppers, rarrgh LETS GO! Eggs, lots of eggs. Raw broccoli, lets go! My arteries are slowly dying for sure. My kids lunchboxes are also taking a heavy hit in their available inventory.

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