Sunday, June 04, 2023

A post with many exclamation points

Someone sent me a meme reel with no context. "White American NBA players!"
I replied thanks and haha. They replied they had been let go from their job. 
"Their loss," I replied. This is a line I honed after years of emphatic trial and error. I once worked with sooner who loudly proclaimed how, over an inconsequential weekend, how she got engaged. "And I got this!" she said flashing a silver ring with a square cut diamond. 

A year later, I learned through an ersatz meeting at copier she wad no longer with that fiance. "His loss!" That got a laugh. A flash of Baikal blur eyes and snuggle tooth smile.

I had said this to myself. Usually after not getting a job. I have been turned down for myriad jobs. I drive through greater Cleveland, OH and it's a laundry list of all the places that didn't hire me. 

That pie baking bastard! Those stiffs in the office park! The philanthropic foundation! The massotherpay clinic above the vacuum store! The local public theater! The coffee shop here and the coffee shop there! All didn't callback. Their loss! "A real sad story of opportunities lost," my wife says as she can't endure another tale of riding the bus for 45 minutes just for a no from the raw food cafe. Their loss!

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