Friday, May 04, 2007

We're back!

The moving is complete! Well, sort of. I am all settled in, but Amanda still needs to bring her stuff at the end of May. So we still got some hauling to do, but I can now blog without having to worry about what box I put the mouse in or fending off high school kids at the public library. 30-minute limit, kids!

But, even in this hiatus, I have been writing. I have produced six pieces for one of the local alternative newspapers! WOO! The freelance writing gig is pretty nice. This paper has some decent resources behind it and gets published every week, instead of when everyone can get their stuff together. The Tompkins County area possess plenty of citizen-alternative journalism ventures, but plenty fail to gather enough steam to actually become a periodical. Also, the job pays! WOO!
Finally, I love being able to say that I am actually doing freelance writing. I love that word, "freelance." I want to put it in front of every activity. My friend Jing and I were having a discussion on the topic. He wanted to do "freelance eating." Awesome.

So I will try to keep the posts coming and cook up other excuses for future droughts. Just like normal! Peace!

"I clear my head and concentrate. My emerald girl is waiting for me. Throttling like an F-16. I strap in, and let her fly."

Hal Jordan knows a thing or two about coming back!

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