Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bird Watching

In the summer, I enter a sort of naturalist phase of writing. All the life around me just makes me want to write about it and how folks relate to it. I can't let go of my environmentalist roots while writing and always try to use natural imagery as a throughline. Here is something short.


I now have air superiority. I adopted a grey-black zig-zag tiger from the SPCA last week and let him loose in the back yard. The tall cedar planks keep him confined to the yard and he decimates the House Sparrows and Starlings. He pounces from bush to bush, shooing away the invaders. On the other side of the house, I create my own air force. Swapping the sticky mess of fat left in the suet feeder out for fresh food, I slide in oranges to attract orioles. Sunflower seeds for all manner of birds, but I hope they attract chickadees. Their soft fee-bees will ring over the liquid twitter-twat of the starlings. A bundle of brown and white down appears under the forsythia. The tiger pokes out, whiskers against the ground and claws kneading the feather mound. I enjoy air superiority.


I am going to stop with the whole title sequence for these little blurbs. They are all untitled and, of course, you know it is me writing them. Seem a bit pretentious. Peace!

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