Friday, May 28, 2021

Rain Musing

May 28th made itself a summer day that felt more like a late March afternoon. Just this soaking sheets of biting drops that fell along every axis. A co worker told me about the benefits of keeping a pair of rubber boots in your office. For days like these where the office requires me to stand idle outside in all weather. And in our cookie crumb cracked parking lots the boots are fun to step with in the deep collected pools of rain water. Where a sewer drain moves slowly and the water gathers all above the grate. The rain makes the pool deeper and dip the boots below the growing surface.
The day also had a persistent wind that constantly hummed but sometimes gather all its strength into a rigorous and humbling blast. I am screaming at people two feet away getting blasted and soaked to the cellular level. This is the kind of wet that ruins tools left out in the elements. Not the every day wear of sweat or idle dew. The moisture in the thick weeds my hoe cuts through? No problem. The ten minutes of rain? Disastrous.
And it's cold in a nagging way like a low grade fever. It's OK you think when really it is wrong and totally out of place. A sign of a washed out weekend to come. Ever rising sweels that deny the ferry boats and part time sailors hopefully for a new summer on the water.

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