Monday, October 14, 2019


On satellite radio there is a new station I jam to called "Soul Cycle." And,what I thought was maybe like some electric-poppy mix from the recent years and 2Ks turned out to be a channel meant to do spin classes to.

Because the bumpers all end in powerful affirmations.

"Just one more run. Lets go!"

Or, "We ride as a pack. We listen as a pack."

But, when you take spin class you aren't going anywhere. Where are you riding to?

This is on the low end of the Sirius band (Channel 4) so you know they dropped a ton of money into this. Look at this press release. Is that the same Mark Ronson from that "Nothing Breaks Like A Heart" song with Miley Cyrus?! Awwww, I love that song. When is that coming up on Soul Cycle?

Don't mind me. I am listening to Missy Eliot over hear sharing the same musical taste as hipster white ladies who look much better in yoga pants than I. Trust me.

Two of my co-workers spin. I once ran into one as she was exiting her spin class and wow, that was awkward. Because she looked unkempt and sweaty because she just worked out. And I looked unkempt and sweaty because that is my natural born state. "Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah this is just me all the time. Got to go!"

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