Thursday, October 31, 2019

Something Scary, Mothman Lives Part 2

I had never seen the Ohio River before. So, I had seen rivers back home which are really just big streams. Then I had seen the Cuyahoga River which was navigable with big ore boats twisting down Collision Bend but you could swim across it. But this was a RIVER that really earned its line on the map. That seemed to be most of what was in Point Pleasant. The town seemed terraced into the hillside across from Galiopolis, OH with the "downtown" main streets criss crossing in an ascending pattern. On Main Street there was the Mothman Museum and a big city park at the end with a open field a statute of Chief Cornstalk, the Native American chief who supposedly cursed the land and maybe caused Mothman.

I had not interested in returning to the tick besieged camp site so I bummed around Point Pleasant reading in that park and wasting time until I had a chance to investigate the TNT Area. This was the abandoned munitions plant where the first witnesses said they saw Mothman. The owner of the museum (Jeff Wembly who is THE guy you see on TV whenever people talk about Mothman) drew me a map.

A storm was brewing. I know that sounds hackneyed but it was happening. And this made the TNT area seems bit spookier as the domes shucked off the wind and the trees bent in moaning waves. Inside each of the old storage domes there was tons of graffiti and litter from people cruising and hanging. 40 gallon oil drums filled with the leftovers of garbage fires.

While atmospheric this was boring. At that point I felt the letdown of the trip hitting me. The storm got bigger and then my wife called me saying she had seen a severe thunderstorm for the area and wanted me to pull up stakes. She said she would book a motel for me while I drove back to the camp.

And I realize this feels very anti climatic. Didn't you see Mothman?! But it ended on a motel in Galiopolis while the rain beat down and I ate the last of my peanut butter granola bars.

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