Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Movies I Should Have Seen Already: Uncut Gems

I too waited to see Uncut Gems until it came on Netflix because I am at the point in life where going to the movies requires the logistics of D Day. 

Do we have a sitter?
Are the kids in good enough moods? Should we give them their meds?
Is it worth it? Oh, shit! Do we have cash for the sitter!?
Is there anything you want to see? I'll see anything but up to you...

But when the movie began trending on Twitter it was a call to go watch it and be ever late to the party. This is how I win.

And the movie is good!  I'm a sucker for these 2 to 3 day odyssey type films but it is funny, paranoid, and tense. Its very anxious as layers upon layers are stacked onto the mutated get rich quick scheme run by Adam Saddlers Howard Ratner. And, yeah Sandler is amazing in the role making Howard someone who is slimy and selfish yet quite charming. He is Walter White without any of the cruelty and the actual hero of this tale.

Note this movie is a lot. It has mobsters, jewelers, basketball stars, fish, and enough low level street grifters to fill out the first few missions of any GTA game. It has Idina Menzel (the Frozen lady) in it for like 5 minutes and she is amazing in it. Kevin Garnett plays himself nearly 10 years in the past and it makes all the sense. I bet in a few years people will day this movie was based on real events. How this rock influence the NBA.

Movie steeps in the NYC culture of the Diamon District and I get the feeling many bit roles were played by non-actors just asked to play themselves. "Wanna make a few bucks? Here just say this to Adam, here. You know Adam, right?"

Also...I had no clue who Julia Fox was before this but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST  have you seen Julia Fox!? I am not one to swoon over celebrities (More of a girl next door or at the copier type person) since I realize they have teams of makeup artists, hair stylists, chefs, trainers, wardrobe fokks, etc to make them look all shiny and new but my goodness sometimes you need to ignore all that and buy the hype. And she, like Sandler, does well balancing the grift and charm of her character.

One thing I did not like was the score which is this angry Casio synth piece. Imagine a rolling boil and Moog synthesizer fucked and you get the score. And, look, I love ectronic music but considering the score is often lounder than the spoken words that sucks. I get this is part of the anxiety ( Reminds me of a horror movie soundtrack) but could they have dialed it down a bit. 

Go see it. Its on Netflix so no excuses!

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