Sunday, May 10, 2020

Cosas Que Mami Dice

Here is a list of Mami sayings to celeberate Mother's Day. These sound better in Spanish

"Blacker than an wolf's mouth" aka soemthing very dark

"Faster than a crow peels a peanut" aka very fast, lickety split.

"Little town, big bell" aka someone who is s gossip. Or someone who thinks they are a bigger deal then they are. The office snitch is little town, big bell

"That is a pretty cage for such an ugly bird." aka a fancy house or car for a bad person. Or someone flexing beyond their means.. Mami usually said that as she saw old men pulling up in convertibles.

"Everyting has a solution except death." aka we can figures this out. I find myself saying this ALL THE TIME as I get older and especially in the nightmare confluence of Corona and public education.

"Peaches and cream" or "shit eaters" aka both which mean rich snobs

"At night all cats are black" aka same difference or everything's the same or a wash. Also, why my mother insisted to always have black cars.

"It's guilty!" aka its filthy. Took me years to realize this was Mami trying to say filthy in her boozy thick accent.

"Shit like a tied up duck" If you got the runs and Mami is around then you are like a tird up duck. I think its a pate reference? I never asked about these. Just went with them.

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