Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Call Me Something Sometime

My daughter recently decided she would only be called by her full name. Penelope.
Which reminds me of the time I renamed myself in high school. Because I do not like my real name. And, still to my surprise, people bought it! All through HS and college people called me by my nickname. But once I entered the work force it felt really juvenile to say that. So I used my birth name and now most people call me by it. That's fine.
Some folks still call me by the nickname, my wife mostly, and woah is that weird in mixed company.
People at work will be, can I call you Garik instead?
No, that would be super weird.
Its like if I called you, baby.
But...your HS friends called you that. Its not a term of affection. I'm confused. You speak in riddles.
Just, please don't. I am 80 degrees of awkward already.
It also reminds me of a job where we had 4 Katy/i/ies. Right out of a Kids in the Hall sketch. Cathy with a C, Kathy with a K.
Ok, these ladies needed some code names.
Just...Katy (or Alpha Katy) because she actually worked there and was first. I think it sounded much more affirmative then Katie with a Y.
Intern Katie...because she was an intern
Kate because sorry we need another variant and they all dont need to be diminutive
Other Katie because she was...the other Katie spelled like that.
They never were all four at once in the same room for fear the universe would implode.

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