Even though Farmers Insurance Group of Companies and Best Places rated Ithaca the fifth safest small city in America, the anecdotal evidence was just too much! While Ithacans bravely faced such common ne'er do wells as punk college kids, transplants, and the Commons skater-goths, they now found themselves facing new and terrible threats! Ithaca, NY was being attacked by SUPER VILLAINS! All of Tompkins County was at threat too as they brigands often attacked in the city, only to run to the safety of the hills of Danby or Enfield.
However, these fiends must now face the new heroes of Tompkins County....
However, these fiends must now face the new heroes of Tompkins County....
Captain Gorges
Real Name: John "I-Town" Lancer
Age: 30
Occupation: Photographer for the Ithaca Journal (previously), full-time superhero
Powers: At the peak of human physical/mental acumen. Master of six different forms of un-armed combat. Master tactician and leader. Indestructible shield.
Story: Local son, John Lancer, volunteered to be his beloved city's warrior and became Captain Gorges! Born and raised in Ithaca John graduated from Ithaca High School, got his BA in photography from Ithaca College, and then Masters in international affairs from Cornell. He then spent six years traveling the globe, chronicling his journeys in the Ithaca Journal's successful photo-journalism series, Ithaca and the World. However, when he heard of the "rise" in crime in Tompkins County, John felt powerless. The sheriff kept telling him he couldn't just run around the streets being a vigilante! So John volunteered for the dangerous I-Warrior program. There scientists from the Ithaca Brewing Company and the IPD created a super-soldier serum called cascabutttrecassenlight! The serum worked perfectly and made the ultimate human physique and mind. He is as strong, fast, and smart as a human can be without being considered super powered. However, evil agents from the dreaded city of Elmira attacked the secret chemical location and destroyed all the remaining vials of serum. When the cut down the scientists with their fusilades of gunfire, the formula was lost forever. However, John is still in Ithaca, leading the CO-OP of Justice against such villains like The Local, Big Box, and City Dude!
Red Onin
Real Name: Dawn Janson
Age: 20
Occupation: Student, RA at IC's Bogart Hall
Powers: Enhanced senses. Master ninja. Can shapeshift into a cloud of red smoke or a red panda. Carries the enchanted sword, "Enlightened Edge."
Story: A young Asian-American in Tompkins County that does not go to Cornell!? That is just one of the many deceptions that Red Onin uses to defeat her opponents and defend honor.
Her father knew that Dawn was destined to attend Ithaca College and, hence, trained her in the ninjitsu arts so she could best fend off drunks and guys asking why she doesn't go to Cornell. She has enhanced hearing, sight, and smell. She can hear those freshmen down the hall pop open Keystone cans from across the dorm building. She can also hear those cans of spray paint rattle and hiss before the paint hits the Dewitt Park WW2 memorial. This training also awakened her latent abilities to shape shift into a red panda (pictured) or some red smokeke. She is a master swords woman and warrior, often striking without even being noticed.
Real Name: Clancy Hart
Age: 32
Occupation: Brick layer for the Town of Danby
Powers: Crack shot. Can turn any object into a deadly projectile just through the flick of his wrists. Master bar room brawler. Extensive knowledge of conventional ballistics and explosive weaponry. Has a sweet truck, with a winch!
Story: Another local boy with a heart of gold and plenty of love for the TC, Clancy developed his uncanny shot through hunting trips with his father. There he learned to appreciate the beauty of TC and swore to protect it. A former sheriff's deputy who was dismissed for being just too effective, Duckshot has easy access to conventional firepower, which always helps when battling the armed thugs of the Ithaca Bloods and Crips. As long as he can get his hands on something, he is never without a weapon. While not superpowered, his resolve and sweet truck (with a winch!) have helped the Co-Op save the day many a time.
Real Name: Sky Tanbrisio
Age: 19
Occupation: Professional volunteer (Fall Creek/Cinemapolis, Ten Thousands Villages, Green Star, TC SPCA, etc.)
Powers: Flight. Ability to manipulate light to create constructs, attack, and/or blind opponents.
Story: After following a strange butterfly into the woods while at Musefest, Sky stumbled upon an ancient glyph of alien origin. She touched it and gained the powers of the ancient astronauts! She is the teams only flyer, making her indispensable for scouting and interdiction. Following the credo of "Think Global, Act Local" she battles social injustice even though the violence leaves her conflicted inside. Her light constructs can take the form of whatever she wishes, but it's usually a butterfly, which is kind of silly, until your realize you just got stomped on by a lavender colored butterfly hologram.
Real Name: N/A
Age: As ancient as creation itself
Occupation: Earth elemental
Powers: Ability to create fissures in earth/earth quake generation. Can control plants to do bidding. Super strength. Limited invulnerability.
Story: Jealous that the proposed White Eagle ecovillage in Danby would use geothermal power and, hence, be much more sustainable than them, the first Ecovillage of Ithaca summoned up an avatar to end the geologic activity under Danby. However, when a consensus could not be reached about which field to have the damn seance in, a rouge Ecovillager did the incantation himself. Thankfully his heart, while damn silly, was pure and the resulting creature was good, albeit free of EVI's control. Naming himself Accolade, the elementals power comes directly from the sacred ground of Tompkins County. The group's heavy hitter, Accolade usually smashes his way out of a problem. His only limitation is that his power grows weaker the farther he is from TC, making night time raids into Elmira difficult.
What adventures await them!? Find out here, on the Fear of the Blank Page, official spokesblog for the Co-Op Of Justice.
Disclaimer: I please do hope you realize this is all in good fun. Also, any resemblance to Captain America, Daredevil, Elektra, Bullseye, Hawkeye, Jubilee, Pixie, Vibe, Terra, Green Lantern, Dazzler, The Thing and any other DC/Marvel/comic book characters is done in pure admiration. They own all the rights to these characters and I just use them for fun. I don't make any money of this site. Please don't sue!
Particular thanks to the Lego Group, Doctari Safaris, Intergalactic Rose, Awesome Animals, Australia Plastic Surgery, for not sueing! Peace!
Real Name: John "I-Town" Lancer
Age: 30

Occupation: Photographer for the Ithaca Journal (previously), full-time superhero
Powers: At the peak of human physical/mental acumen. Master of six different forms of un-armed combat. Master tactician and leader. Indestructible shield.
Story: Local son, John Lancer, volunteered to be his beloved city's warrior and became Captain Gorges! Born and raised in Ithaca John graduated from Ithaca High School, got his BA in photography from Ithaca College, and then Masters in international affairs from Cornell. He then spent six years traveling the globe, chronicling his journeys in the Ithaca Journal's successful photo-journalism series, Ithaca and the World. However, when he heard of the "rise" in crime in Tompkins County, John felt powerless. The sheriff kept telling him he couldn't just run around the streets being a vigilante! So John volunteered for the dangerous I-Warrior program. There scientists from the Ithaca Brewing Company and the IPD created a super-soldier serum called cascabutttrecassenlight! The serum worked perfectly and made the ultimate human physique and mind. He is as strong, fast, and smart as a human can be without being considered super powered. However, evil agents from the dreaded city of Elmira attacked the secret chemical location and destroyed all the remaining vials of serum. When the cut down the scientists with their fusilades of gunfire, the formula was lost forever. However, John is still in Ithaca, leading the CO-OP of Justice against such villains like The Local, Big Box, and City Dude!
Red Onin

Real Name: Dawn Janson
Age: 20
Occupation: Student, RA at IC's Bogart Hall
Powers: Enhanced senses. Master ninja. Can shapeshift into a cloud of red smoke or a red panda. Carries the enchanted sword, "Enlightened Edge."
Story: A young Asian-American in Tompkins County that does not go to Cornell!? That is just one of the many deceptions that Red Onin uses to defeat her opponents and defend honor.
Her father knew that Dawn was destined to attend Ithaca College and, hence, trained her in the ninjitsu arts so she could best fend off drunks and guys asking why she doesn't go to Cornell. She has enhanced hearing, sight, and smell. She can hear those freshmen down the hall pop open Keystone cans from across the dorm building. She can also hear those cans of spray paint rattle and hiss before the paint hits the Dewitt Park WW2 memorial. This training also awakened her latent abilities to shape shift into a red panda (pictured) or some red smokeke. She is a master swords woman and warrior, often striking without even being noticed.

Real Name: Clancy Hart
Age: 32
Occupation: Brick layer for the Town of Danby
Powers: Crack shot. Can turn any object into a deadly projectile just through the flick of his wrists. Master bar room brawler. Extensive knowledge of conventional ballistics and explosive weaponry. Has a sweet truck, with a winch!
Story: Another local boy with a heart of gold and plenty of love for the TC, Clancy developed his uncanny shot through hunting trips with his father. There he learned to appreciate the beauty of TC and swore to protect it. A former sheriff's deputy who was dismissed for being just too effective, Duckshot has easy access to conventional firepower, which always helps when battling the armed thugs of the Ithaca Bloods and Crips. As long as he can get his hands on something, he is never without a weapon. While not superpowered, his resolve and sweet truck (with a winch!) have helped the Co-Op save the day many a time.
Real Name: Sky Tanbrisio

Age: 19
Occupation: Professional volunteer (Fall Creek/Cinemapolis, Ten Thousands Villages, Green Star, TC SPCA, etc.)
Powers: Flight. Ability to manipulate light to create constructs, attack, and/or blind opponents.
Story: After following a strange butterfly into the woods while at Musefest, Sky stumbled upon an ancient glyph of alien origin. She touched it and gained the powers of the ancient astronauts! She is the teams only flyer, making her indispensable for scouting and interdiction. Following the credo of "Think Global, Act Local" she battles social injustice even though the violence leaves her conflicted inside. Her light constructs can take the form of whatever she wishes, but it's usually a butterfly, which is kind of silly, until your realize you just got stomped on by a lavender colored butterfly hologram.
Real Name: N/A
Age: As ancient as creation itself

Occupation: Earth elemental
Powers: Ability to create fissures in earth/earth quake generation. Can control plants to do bidding. Super strength. Limited invulnerability.
Story: Jealous that the proposed White Eagle ecovillage in Danby would use geothermal power and, hence, be much more sustainable than them, the first Ecovillage of Ithaca summoned up an avatar to end the geologic activity under Danby. However, when a consensus could not be reached about which field to have the damn seance in, a rouge Ecovillager did the incantation himself. Thankfully his heart, while damn silly, was pure and the resulting creature was good, albeit free of EVI's control. Naming himself Accolade, the elementals power comes directly from the sacred ground of Tompkins County. The group's heavy hitter, Accolade usually smashes his way out of a problem. His only limitation is that his power grows weaker the farther he is from TC, making night time raids into Elmira difficult.
What adventures await them!? Find out here, on the Fear of the Blank Page, official spokesblog for the Co-Op Of Justice.
Disclaimer: I please do hope you realize this is all in good fun. Also, any resemblance to Captain America, Daredevil, Elektra, Bullseye, Hawkeye, Jubilee, Pixie, Vibe, Terra, Green Lantern, Dazzler, The Thing and any other DC/Marvel/comic book characters is done in pure admiration. They own all the rights to these characters and I just use them for fun. I don't make any money of this site. Please don't sue!
Particular thanks to the Lego Group, Doctari Safaris, Intergalactic Rose, Awesome Animals, Australia Plastic Surgery, for not sueing! Peace!
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