Sunday, December 17, 2006

New Year's Resoultions: Early Edition

I am back! And I bet you are starving for a post, eh?! Of course you are! However, I am also short on material, so instead you get the resolution's post a bit earlier than usual!

Here are some of my resolutions for 2007 plus how likely I am to actually fulfill them.

1) Cut back, and I mean WAY BACK, on superhero comic book purchases. In fact, I want to limit myself to buying only a few monthlies and then like one to two trade paperbacks and/or graphic novels. To even further refine the resolution I will definitely stick to Daredevil, Iron Fist, Gen13, Green Lantern, and Green Lantern Corps. I will wrap up the whole Civil War poo-bah and the current Ion 12-issue series as well. Hence, I want to only spend about 25~30 bucks a month on monthlies and then maybe a 12~15 dollar trade paperback. To the non-comic book folks, this still seems like a lot (about $45~$50 a month), but to those in the comic world, it is actually a pretty minor monthly haul.

Possibility: Very high, actually. I enjoy certain characters the most, not just superheroes in general. I adore the whole comic book culture (best defined by the comic blog-o-sphere), but really only need to read those few titles I enjoy. The same thing happens in gaming. You hear me go on and on about GTA and how it is pretty much the pinnacle of digital creation, but not much about other games right? Yeah, exactly.

2) Get S-E-R-I-O-U-S about grad school. This means taking the GRE before the 2008 edition of this post rolls around and getting a list of potential schools going. i already have some and just picked upa nice edition of Poets and Writers that talks about MFA programs.

Possibility: Very high. I already have a list and now the first steps to take. Getting into an actual program will be the hard thing. Paying for it will be even harder!

3) Enter more writing contests.

Possibility: Medium-high. I think I will read more of the writing magazines like the aforementioned Poets and Writers, which always carry those contest listings.

4) Re-read a book for every new one I do read.

Possibility: Yeah, pretty much not gonna happen. I made this resolution last year and got no luck. I still read as much, hell even more, that last year, but it was mostly new stuff.

5) Drink at least one cup of green and/or red tea a day. Because apparently you never die if you do that. The Japanese do this and they have friggin' giant mechs defending them to ensure they never die.

Possibility: This one is also from last year, but I would say success is at medium potential. My current part-time job makes it much easier to get a hand on good teas.

6) Write and read more. Period.

Possibility: Medium-low. I try to do this all the time, but never feel it is close to the uber-amounts any teacher of the crafts tells you to do.

There you go folks! Enjoy that while something else comes your way. Peace!

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