Friday, January 10, 2014

Relive your blog...again

Three years ago, I signed off on blogging. It must have been the second or third time I killed one of my blogs. I always thought of myself as humble, but I was surprised that people did not come in droves to read my first drafts of short stories or observations on how fire stations and air conditioners are indeed quite very loud.

Much has changed in those three years. I found stability in a job I have no had for four years. My wife and I bought a house. I got a car. I went on my first ever international trip (I did not get cool wings from the pilot, this being a post 9/11 world) We had a kid! A beautiful son who will have a divot in the center of his forehead by age 2 from how much I kiss him.

I had a writing teacher in college, whom I very much respected (Jason Ockert..give his books a buy) who told us at the end of the year that, "If you find yourself not writing on your own after college, then don't get an MFA. Give something else a shot." Of course, at the time in the year of 2006, this would not apply to me, but it sure became that way as I bounced from job to job and then moved to Ohio and got a career. Oh, I always scribbled and I have left all my archives up for you to see, but dreams of books are better left to those much more skilled.

All that said, I recently found myself struggling to sleep not because my son would refuse to sleep in his crib, but because I wanted to get something down. To pound out thoughts that creep in during the drowsy topsy turvy of going to bed. Of something I daydream about in a work meeting. When I stare into my son's eyes and I am paralyzed because I am going to become my own father and that means dying when my kid is eight I want to talk to someone. I strain my wife's patience too much already during the day so I return to the Internet!

That's right! We are back and posting, hopefully, much more often because I now hopefully have something else to talk about besides Chia plants and comic books.

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Sunday Morning

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