Friday, July 24, 2020

A in the ABC

Every so often something will go viral on Twitter where you need to share some sort of cryptic album.

Show your favorite albums from the year you turned 18

In one gif describe the perfect movie

With one image describe your childhood crush

I am a sucker for these because I have a a deep desire to connect with folks, which is quite counter to my introverted nature. But, engage from a distance like the 240 characters of Twitter. Or a reply chain in the workplace Slack. Actually, talk to someone in person?! Oh, I am not that brave.

Ill answer those online surveys but like much on Twitter I am shouting into a void. Pornbots don't read and if you don't get likes does it exists? Beyond being something incriminating later for a potential employer to find. 
"Im sorry, you said that you unironically liked Smash Mouth in 1998. That is not Hexaco material. Sorry"

Its all kind of boring. Which is why i type on the blog. Biggest fear is someone will find this and say "Hey, it is that guy from college! Or work! Look at this shit he typed!"

But, its all boring. Some colleague will find it and decide they could spend their time better reading a Buzzfeed listicle. 

It exists for the record so here is a longer meme on songs/bands you like. One for every letter in your name, but made longer. One for every letter in the alphabet because I need content. Maybe this series will help you profess your deep seeded love for me? Or galvanize your disdain? These are hate reads, right? Or, give you something to read while sipping coffee.

So A for....

Amish Paradise by Weird Al Yankovic

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I haven't listened to much Weird Al in the last 20 years but from about 6th to 9th grade, damn was he my jam. Like, I knew the words to Albuquerque from Bad Hair Day and The Night Santa Went Crazy.

I bet kids no longer do this (or maybe it was isolated to my little slice of 6th grade) but what gave you major cred was knowing the lyrics to songs. If you had liner notes from a CD then you were invited to all the parties!*

If you knew the words to Coolio's Gangsta Paradise then you were a god. There were other songs that could get you there but few things could top that. If at all.

I had a rich friend in the 6th grade who stood up in the middle of homeroom and declared that for his birthday he would take everyone in the grade to El Conquistador, a huge resort in Fajardo on the other side of the island. And he would take everyone in a fleet of limos.
When this hit the 6th grade coconut line and everyone told their moms that "hey this was happening and yo, where is my swimsuit?"
The following day, this friend, well he had to walk that back and say he could only take a few friends but, hey, I was one! And we listened to a tape of Gangsta's Paradise endlessly for the one hour drive there. So, effectively rewinding track 1 of the Dangerous Minds soundtrack.

I could never get to that level but I memorized all the words to Amish Paradise which didn't impress anyone until the intern at my warehouse job became the new manager and he was also a Weird Al fanatic. But, a true one that still goes to concerts. More power to him.

*The Ace of Base song The Sign caused a war in the 6th grade with the debate of whether it was The Sign or The Sun. No one had the liner notes. And we had some LOADED people at the school. "The name of the song is...The Sign," once said a coworker to me upon telling them this story. 'Didn't you guys realize that from the title?" It was a simpler time.

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