Sunday, July 05, 2020

Floor is Lava

Netflix has a new show called Floor is Lava and while everyone spent this holiday weekend watching Hamilton, I rewatched the aforementioned.

Give it a try! Don't be a snob. You already saw Hamilton so give Lava a try. The premise is simple...its an obstacle course game show where you have to cross a themed room (like a bedroom or planetarium) and the floor is dyed water made to bubble and foam like cartoon lava. Teams of 2 to 3 people try to clamber over there and fastest and/or most survivors wins.

Its writer strike fair. Or the kind of stuff Netflix gobbles up to see what sticks but has that infectious game show vibe for the whole family. How would you leap from couch to couch? Maybe if you scream louder the people will actually hear you and realize they need the key in the pizza oven to open the extension on the dining room table. How would your family fare? Coworkers? I would certainly die in the first leap.

And when you fall into the drink the show edits it as if you don't come back. Just slip into the lava and gone. Nice touch when really it is probably 3 feet deep in there.

The show needs decidedly unfit people. Sure that is in the casting call. Physically fit people because not everyone on the show is some hardcopy but everyone is active. One contestant boast she can do yoga on a stand up paddelboard. Like, so what? I can eat a crunch wrap in the car without spilling any of it 
Fastest time? A pair of rock climbers. Oh, look at that!

No, show needs the "real" America. Needs people like

Those guys who say they could beat Serena Williams at tennis. Honestly, any of the guys who respond with "make me a sandwich" gags to any news concerning a female athlete.

Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite types. See also Al Bundys.

Almost served guys who had an uncle in the service so that kind of counts, right?

Your gym teacher

An assortment of people with just annoying enough conditions to make sure they bounce right off the damn pyramid and into the lava. People with bursitis, extra dry skin, and/or restless leg syndrome.

All these would make fine additions. Just have your team name handy.

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