Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Kindergarten Draft Pick

In what little power my position offers, I got to choose my daughter's kindergarten teacher today. This is a small but powerful luxury i used on my son to great effect. Setting up my daughter to succeed!
Note my position offers an overwhelming amount of accountability with little ability to influence said execution of it. The gig is herding dozens of ball kicking cats in a "hurry up and wait" fashion. I'm writing the rule book while also simultaneously finding exceptions to it. This makes me think that is what being a Congressperson must feel like. Except those prices get kick backs. Insider trading tips and the Capitol Hill barber. I get to choose from the Group of educators who will be subject to the now quadruple awkward exchanges. 
"Hey, your kid bit me."
Whelp. That is awkward. I'm sorry. So so sorry.
"Hey, I caught your staring at my ass at the copier. While making a worksheet. For your kid."
At this point I want to die. If it helps I think you are super cute from any angle. Ok, that did not help.
"Hey, where is my reimbursement for those notebooks. Or why didn't the custodian cleanup the dust under my desk. Or..."
Ok, here I can get a bit defensive. You know that the receipt was late and...nope now I feel awful and awkward and small. Fire me. Well, ill fire myself after you suggest I should. Just be nice to my kid. Or, just be fair. You are all pro, yes?

Its the "my kid" That makes everything sunburn tickling your shirt tags uncomfortable.  Not just random strangers but a spider web network or concentric layers. A goofy vent diagram where the person utterly paralyzed to have any of these talks is a flat circle with me in the middle.

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