Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Journal Entry 9-25-19

When I mention where I work, people have a lot of assumption. I work at a K-8 public school, by the way. But, I am not a teacher so that is usually the first assumption I have to correct. And Im not really an educator nor a coach so I then have to adjust that. "Are you the custodian?" No, I wish. Those union guys make a giant amount of bank.

No, I am kind of the catch call for anything non-educational. This befuddles people because "Well isn't there a purchasing department for that"

Yeah, that's me. We cant afford a department so we have a person that does that.

But this isn't me complaining about work. Its fine. This is about assumptions.

People assume that this must be very hard. Lots of sad stories of angry kids, beat up kids, and drama. And it happens but the educators focus on that.

"So, what is difficult about your job?"

And I don't like thinking of anything as "difficult" but I am shocked. Shocked not so much at what happens but at the fussy goofiness of what I am asked to manage.

"Someone moved my chair!"
"The students tried to use the trash can after I emptied it!"
"You booked us this room but there is someone in there and they won't leave!"
"I don't read emails but still need to know what is happening today"

To which I say "Ok" or "I will investigate"

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