Friday, September 06, 2019

White Claw

Today social media is a buzz because of reported shortages of White Claw hard seltzer. And supposedly  Ohio is the number one drinking state for it. Which makes sense because Ohio has become Arkansas on a lake.

"That's unfair," you say. "Its beyond popular so how can it be trash. Elitist much?"

Or "Slammimg on White claw is slamming on things women inherently like and you are projecting the patriarchy"

Or "You had a post about loving fizzy water once even posting a blurry photo of Lacroix. Please stop hypocrite"

To which I say...someone read this?!

My recent diet changes had me try Whiteclaw and...its not bad. It needs to be stop time cold. Absolute zero cold. Crack the sap in tree branches cold so it sounds like the January forest is alive. We are dancing school cold! Then it feels pleasantly sharp and winnows the bottle of the Dimetap battle aftertaste. Because of this I glug them down. Your hand itself is the enemy.

They are not that bad. I have 4 in the fridge and I feel powerful.

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