Friday, November 29, 2019

Bad Omen

I took this picture of my mother watching TV on Thanksgiving. It's her favorite channel, The Weather Channel, which in recent years took up the local news mantra of panic over the mundane.

 News Channel 13 shares with you the shocking tale of how the devices meant to keep kids entertained are really spying on them! ***quick cut to some parent wearing one of those Looney Tuned attitude shirts from the 90s*** "I had no clue. They was watching my kids!" 

Now its Weather Channel save it is winter storms they give names to because ratings. Which lesd my mother to keep shouting Ezekiel  Ezekiel as that was the name of the storm.

The skeleton is someone who died because my mother killed them. Either she never stopped talking and they succumbed to dehydration or she said something so madcap they had an aneurysm. See his outstretched hand? He died screaming "What the fuck!?"

This needs to be captioned. I call it bad omen

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful Unknowns

I am thankful for this blog even though no one reads it except for what I believe are a series of robots in Ukraine. For someone who is quite anxious and awkward it is fun to be able to share what I like or what I think would be enjoyed in a quiet little part of the Internet. Like I said before, if i would have been born 80 years, earlier I would have kept furious journals. Sending wee boys to fetch me more ink and paper. And a new A key for my type writer because those entries I want to document in long form have worn out my use of the word AWESOME. If anything maybe it brings some random person joy. Or a laugh at my expense but its a laugh none the less.

Cruising the stats of the blog I was surprised to find that, in October 2019, I had 5 visits from "Unknown Regions"

Are these viewers from another dimension!? An alternative Earth where I am evil but on that Earth evil people don't have facial hair?

Unknown regions like a disputed zone like how China calls Taiwan Chinese Taipei? Or Kashmir? A collection of sovereign citizens?

They are porn bots most likely but maybe they are free-wheeling nomadic pornbots?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

German Thanksgiving

I only know two songs in German and one is Ramstein's Duhast which is a very angry song. I think it means "you hate me". The other is the ditty I just heard on a friend's Salty Chills playlist

Now every introduction is an excuse to use this

Some stranger: "Hey. How was your Thanksgiving?"

Me: "Good good super good. Good good super good. I look super good!"

Stranger: ***visible confusion***

Actually, I think my Thanksgiving will be pointedly lame considering we are pulling a Gilmore Girls and having multiple dinners in one day. All with people we rather not be with. My perfect Thanksgiving would be one at home with my nuclear family. Or a Friendsgiving with people I actually want to hang out with. Or a Worksgiving except while that fills part of me with joy the other half is filled with anxiety.

I better keep listening to this song.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Lot More Fun

I am perpetually stuck in my late adolescence and early adult hood. I know, hard to tell reading this blog! That makes all my daydreams and fantasies and interactions have this video game or cartoon adventure tinge. We don't go on errands but I am completing missions and when I finish them I get the "+ respect" right out of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas*

It is something like. "My wife told me to pick up the prescription on the way back from daycare. Finish it and get a plus on respect."

That makes it a lot more fun.

At work everyone is a quest giver and some quest givers I want to impress. Because they may have a cool reward like helping me stuff 30 emergency binders after the fire marshal tells us to change the emergency operations plan again. Because, I have their respect. And some quest givers I want to dodge (like dodging the trainers in a Pokemon Gym because you are already over leveled and don't want to go into that final fight with damage) because their quests are Sisyphean (I needed to say something, but now I forgot) or gain no respect or rewards. Just more quests. Its the endless raids on bandit camps in Assassin's Creed: Origins except there is no loot. Just a nice "Thanks" and "You're welcome" Of course, I get loot from my boss and can use it to build the little camp I have (my house) ala Minecraft.

I got a new laptop for someone at work and I imagine "This will give you +1 intelligence and +2 speed/communication!" That makes it a lot more fun. "Here is an umbrella. It gives +1 to armor and +3 if they are using a water based attack!"

Oh and handing these out comes with a lot more flair. The umbrella hand off is big flourish like some overdrive attack in a JRPG. It comes flying out of the corner where it is stored and zips through the air until it slaps right into someones grip. And then that person, with two hands on the grip, wields it skyward and screams and there are lights shooting out and here we go! That makes it a lot more fun.

And people transform like some henshin Sailor Moon scene. So, "Go put on your coat. It is cold out" becomes swirls of lights and arms up in an elegant dance to the tune of something adventurous. That makes it a lot more fun.

*It sucked getting respect when you really needed money or weapons. That game had some brutal missions like Just Business where you outrun an entire army of Russian mobsters and then all you get is Respect. Yeah, I better get some respect considering I just killed 50 guys while riding on the back of a motorcycle going 90 mph in a sewer! I better be made a Navy Seal!

Sunday, November 24, 2019


My mother made a sweet potato casserole that was "Puerto Rican" style. In it the sweet potatoes were yellow and not orange. I never saw an orange sweet potato until college. 
And not a bright yellow that's cheery. Or an autumnal yellow because there is no autumn in Puerto Rico.

No, they were a sad yellow. Yellow after its girlfriend left it for whatever new color Crayola is putting out. Sunshine. And they were stringy. But, the dish still had marshmallow topping. A solid sheet of them forming a puffy top layer in what looked like a yellow and white lasagna. 

Other things that are Puerto Rican style... 

Pumpkin, which is green and small, and only good for seasoning pots of red beans.

Driving. No speed limit on the shoulder and left hand turn on red!

Lettuce, which is wispy and fairy like and would put you to sleep.

Chinese food. It comes with fries.

Crackers. Saltines, specifically. Which in PR come in foil vaccum sealed packs of 6. And they are crisp. You know the Rice Krispie commercials where the kids lose their mind over the noise? But then you eat them and it's mealy mush? Well these crackers SNAP. Sonic boom snap! They come in containers made for astronauts. If not in the foil packs then a giant bongo sized tin of them. They even made whole wheat (Integral) and  "lite" versions

They are a good cracker. Wallace and Gromit approved for sure.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Another Play 11/22/19

Me: ***Pantomiming at my desk like im the phantom in Phantom of the Opera whilst listening to music on my headphones. And I am gloating at how I hate the humanity below my rafters***

IT GUY, walking in: Oh, um...what are you listening to?

Me: Oh just something dumb. Whats up?

Also, me:

Friday, November 15, 2019

Stuck Somewhere

I was stuck in a basement for 45 minutes. I was waiting for a ride and I had nothing to do. There was a bar nearby but I had already spent my budget for the night. I didnt have a book, something I always carried as a youth before I got a smartphone. 

In high school I read Puerto Rican novel called  La Guaracha del Macho  Camacho which is roughly  translated to Macho Camacho's Song (But a spicy song like a calypso or salsa). Its good and it's been translated into English. It centers around a giant traffic jam and that is where I learned to always have a book. Dog eared paperbacks from drug store racks with the spines splintered. This was Puerto Rico and there was always a jam or a line. 

But, I didnt have a book. The emails from work disappointed me as I couldn't effectively answer them from my phone. I'll buy this Monday knowing I could if I could get the purchase requisition form on my phone. "Boss, can I get a loaded up tablet computer like a surface? Thej I could always be on and only be stopped by the physical stuff. Needing to pull TP out of toilet and carry supplies up to rooms. What do you think?"

But my boss rarely answers my messages. 

I'll write in my blog. Type out a post like those phone novels in Japan pounded out with a smartphone on the bullet train.

What about? So I reach for a writing prompt and get this in a cursory Google

IT IS America Recycles  Day! Oh boy...recycling is my jam. No joke. I worked two years for the National Recycling Coalition helping run the ReycleMania competition. Colleges measured what they threw out an won prizes. Most recyclables. Least waste. It was a lot of spreadsheets and sitting. It was a remote position with my boss in South Carolina and me in Ohio. They paid for a phone an I remember once at 8pm getting a call and it was from a college in Hawaii. I was excited. "Hey, how can we do better at this?"

Now, I dont know but I was just out of college and felt the world could change. "Well this is what we did at my school. We picked up cans after footballs games. Hawaii is a bottle bill state, right?"

The recycling at our home is so clean. It's the pure cocaine of recycling right from the jungle lab and not muddied by dealers and middlemen. The recycling industry is changing and China no longer wants out junk. Any contamination and they reject it. Cleveland is awful at recycling. The local news sensationalize it and how they suck. They put a tracker in a dumpster and the load goes to a regular dump in Lorain County. I don't take my recycling to the bin by work but instead give this garbage a ride and take it home to set in my suburban bin.

I cringe at the bins with cans wrapped in plastic bags and flimsy yogurt containers! A neighbor shoved a plastic chair in the bin once! You are wrecking it for us all! 

I know the younger me would shake their head at the current me who is not as aggressive a recycler. Much more keen to say "fuck it" nowadays I dont haul my bottle from the pizza joint that doesn't recycle all the way back home. I already give a box of trash a ride each week from work.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lucky Day

I found a whole pack of cigarettes in the parking lot at work. A whole pack of Mavericks just sitting there in the slush and next to a tire tread. Someone must be having a bad day. Or will have one soon when they reach for it and scream "Fuck. Where are my smokes?!"

"I should take up smoking, for maximum value, " I tell the receptionist at my job.

"Oh, no. Don't do that. Its so nasty"

"Smoking is the best thing on Earth," says another co-worker. "That is like 8 bucks right there. Or, whatever cigarettes go for. I have not smoked in a long time. But it is the best."

"Whose smokes are these!?" screams my wife using a tone of voice I think reserved for finding say a loaded gun. Or another woman's underpants on the counter.

"Oh, I found them at work. They are like brand new. Do you want them?"

"No, I prefer my own" and she whisks away for a smoke break.

I FB message a buddy. Not a friend which is a very powerful term for me. A buddy is someone you kind of hang with but you won't really talk or open up to. Someone you meet every week at the MTG draft and then warm up to. Or you happen to run into at the rec center. Before I can follow up to my "Hey" he types back "I was leaving the Get Go and found $70 on the ground!"

"Do you want these smokes I found?"

"Sure! Wow"

But then I have to go get him for a draft so I can give him the smokes since he cannot drive. "Its my eyes. Will you help me get Lasik?"

Can that be found on the street? A random laser? A card to an eye surgeon with so many punches for a free Lasik blast. Our luck is going to run out soon and we will not find treasures but stumble into potholes or sheets of black ice.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Jack Ryan Season 2

There is no cool helicopter shot in Jack Ryan, Season 2. I mentioned it in an earlier post but there is an amazing scene where the government sends a helicopter to a private party Jack is at and it lands in the middle of the garden party. Then two guys run out and whisk Jack away to the shock and awe of the party goers. Who is this man? Why is he so awesome that the government sends a helicopter to fetch him.

This does not mean the show is not watchable. It has very good production values and enough of a verisimilitude to suck you in. Its like a very long action movie with all the tropes. Guys coming in for one last mission. Walking away once the villain gets his comeuppance. Guys going down in a fierce fight to the last man and bullet. The food here sucks. My buddy is going to die isn't he? A couple brought together because of shared conflict. Crooked elections and sexy foreign agents. Its alright if you don't have a soft spot for this stuff like I do.


I read a ton of Tom Clancy as a teen. Even as a casual reader you can tell he began to sort of wane in latter books. I also did not turn out to be a right wing whackadoodle so there is that! Watching Jack Ryan Season 2 you wonder "Why hasn't world war 3 broken out!?" And Clancy did it in the books like Bear and the Dragon where World War 3 breaks out because the Chinese accidentally televise an abortion on TV and then invade Russia and then Russia joins fucking NATO and World War fucking 3 is a go! In Rainbow Six they punish the evil environmental terrorists by sending them naked into the jungle to "get back to nature."

"Sounds like you had quite an adventure down there," says a character to Jack at the end of the second season. Holy smokes is that an understatement. The climax is what amounts to Jack Ryan storming the Venezuelan equivalent of the White House and killing what appears to be half the Venezuelan army to save his friend. Which he then gets, but he then goes off mission again (The whole plot is moved by Jack essentially not following the rules except we don't want that to happen because its going to start World War 3!), to kill the crooked Venezuelan president! This is only after chasing rogue spies on London rooftops and exposing the crooked US Senator who set this all up.

This show has a lot to talk about, but also not much because you have seen it all before. Its a neat tapestry woven of patterns and colors you have seen. It does elevate Jack to a sort of action super star status which does not work well for the claim, which the show keeps reiterating, that he is just some desk jockey. Who rides his bike to work! Nerd! He has saved the world twice now but is still some peon analyst. He has had no fall from grace (albeit there is a third season coming so maybe) which makes for an awkward dynamic. We like him because its about him and also Krasinski is very magnetic albeit he chews the scenery.

Again, its alright.

To end on a list of WTF or WTH moments....

  • How did Marcus fix the fiberglass on the boat while underwater? Did he band the hull together using his super strength?
  • The best character in the show is Wendell Pierce's Greir. And the best, if only, joke in the season is when he tried to con his way into a meeting pretending to be a Canadian coffee magnate named...Timothy Horton.
  • I do like how the get the mercenaries to fight for Jack's squad by just paying them. Which makes the most sense since they are mercenaries. I could have seen some appeal or moving speech but, nah, just pay us. How refreshing.
  • Venezuela maybe broke but whomever is selling these US flags to burn is making a killing.
  • The timeline seems a bit wonky. The whole show seems to happen in a week and all I can think of is "when did the commandos eat lunch?" I am fucking hobbit even when on mission. Looking for second breakfast.
  • This season does not have any weird side stories like the wonky sex worker one in Season 1 where the drone pilot is beat by the weird dangerous swingers. Everything goes somewhere.
  • Wait one thing...when the villainous Reyes is talking about the dynamics of polo. And you think it is going to be some big villain speech but it is cut off quickly to get back to the danger.
  • Jack is supposed to be very smart but they don't play that up here. We are to expect it because I guess he is smart enough to get everyone else killed by defying orders. Jack must fantasize to that. "Hey, we don't have clearance for that! Wait, why are you taking off your pants!?"
  • Tom Clancy is listed as an executive producer but Tom Clancy is also quite dead.
  • I like the theme song and the bit where mundane things are overlapped onto exciting tactical stuff. That feels very Clancy in a none crazy way

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Numbers Don't Lie

This little blog is a pretty sleepy part of the Internet. Which is fine because I don't have anything particularly insightful today. Had I been born 50 years earlier I would have kept a diary. Sometimes I tease my kids when they say they want to be "YouTube producers" when they grow up and then I realize that in the mid aughts being a hot blogger was the thing. We are doomed to become our parents every generation. 

Even though this blog is sleepy I still do poke around on the metrics and I was surprised to see 15 page views come through this specific URL in what appears to be Ukraine and Romania...

Which is exactly what you think it is. 

Look, Ukrainian and Romanian readers...I don't know what excites you on this blog but whatever it is I am sure you can find better content elsewhere. I'm flattered but I feel bad. And better content for free! Is Pornhub a thing in Europe? I am sure it is. Is it the blocks of text that go nowhere? Maybe get a book from the library and stare at that. If...chaturbate takes you hear then I suggest you ask them for your money back because they are 1)Not giving me any and 2)Really wasting your time with tales of anxiety and Mami jokes. 

In my heart of hearts I know this is just some random internet traffic (or my blog is hijacked and will help launch a denial of service attack against Russia. In which case, yay! Eat it, Putin!) but I can't help but list what these people love

1) Its the Mami jokes, right? Everyone loves these and I can't blame them. Mami is a specific level of crazy often reserved for days lost at the DMV while trying to understand the tax code.
2) Its the anxiety and nadirs of despair, yes? They make you feel better in a Fight Club kind of way, right? Well my doctor put me back on happy pills so better go to the archives!
3) Its a plot! Ack! Its someone from work trying to run a VPN through Ukraine to find out who the favorite teachers are. To then black mail me to buy them name brand post it notes and pencils! Jokes on them because i think its pretty obvious who they are and I am obligated to use proper public purchasing protocols to secure materials regardless of how cute someone is. You won't win!
4)Its my new cool color scheme right? It looks like a doctor's office from Dimension Bland where someone threw up, right? Ill change it. But then will that stop the traffic?!

Monday, November 11, 2019

It May Snow

With snow in the forecast there is a palpable energy in the air at my workplace. If you recall from reading this blog then you know I work at a school. And I loathe snow days. Where teachers are as excited as the kids and share black magic to make sure it works (Flush ice cubes down the toilet! Don't say it aloud! Wear your pajamas inside out!) my mind is a lame tiger in the zoo, pacing up and down. This makes it sound powerful but its only anxious with all the could happen and what I should be doing.

I worry about the old building and its single pan windows and well settled brick walls. Where we plan to tuck point seeps water into a room and drips over the desk of a therapist. "Did you know it leaks over my desk?"

I do and there is not much I can do until spring. And its not new.

I worry about drafts wisping in where the caulk on windows has flaked away. The landlord turns the heat off a night in a seemingly efficient yet truly counter-intuitive move. "Don't worry if we open all the doors and leave this fan on enough warm air will move around and nothing will freeze" The chill cracks the branches on the Chinese Elms outside who drop clumps of leaves in shapes of witch's brooms.

What the chill is good for is the racks of computers which run hot with lots of streaming bandwidth but then keep cool in an AC of inefficiency. It forces mice to ground and makes a lot of people happy which even in my winter curmudgeon I am not immune to "I need this snow day," many staff say and I believe them. The day after snow days my legs ache with that "I just worked out earlier" stiffness. Not because of any effort removing snow but from crouching in a crawl space to chase steam leaks from our crawl space. "Oh, this is going to suck" as I clamber over a hot pipe making sure avoid cooking everything below my waist.

Snow days make me stay at home with my kids. Have arguments with my wife over who gets to stay. Its the kitty cat game the kids inevitably play where they circle around each other until one "accidentally" hurts the other and, with a justifiable cause, begin a wrestling war of scratches and bear hugs. Its juggling grilled cheese sandwiches to drop in front of the kids and the cycle of tablets that have run out of energy while I try to knock out one more email. Or that Home Alone I just forgot something feeling when you get the text "Hey, no one is here!" And I realize I forgot to tell the cleaner not to come in.

Its day dreaming when there is peace and watch the fat flakes drop and the nebulae of salt build up on the road way and on the aching floorboards of my vestibule. Day dreaming of checking things off the list and everyone in their sweat pants at home catching up or binge watching TV. And when they end its a sudden race to get things done that needed me physically in the building. I am humbled by the winter's ability to waylay us (even when everyone says it used to be worse or shouldn't people just deal) but I find little delight in it. Its a storm. With all potential to damage and sap.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

A Play

I appreciate the wired vs tired (or woke vs broke) meme on Twitter. It is usually tongue in cheek and related to the galaxy brain meme. Something like...

Tired: Milk in my cereal 

Wired: OJ in my cereal!

But they can be sincere

Broke: Bitching on Twitter 

Woke: Going to vote and do soemthing about it

They are usually much better. Here is mine, which is not very succinct 

Wired: Mustering enough courage to ask a coworker to have an after work drink at the Tiki bar. They still said no but friendship goals!

Tired: Can't anyway because you need to take your kid to counseling.


Woke: Ask your wife to take the kid to counseling so you can go to the Tiki bar with coworker.

Broke: Explaining to your wife why you are going to the bar with said coworker.

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Mami Survived

My mother had a favorite saying, "You should be scared, when I am scared!" Meaning that don't panic. And, its a good saying. Ill allow it. I have used that with people I worked with our supervised. "Im not worried and I don't think you should be either!"

And this was very helpful when Mami was raising me as a single lady but she is now retired from problem solving* and mostly spends time drinking wine and fussing unfolded napkins at my sisters house.

My sister and I don't get along. Not that we dislike each other but we really have nothing in common and our lives have taken us in diamterically opposed pathways. We are the kind of people who, if we were neighbors, would wave at each other and maybe talk about local supports when we take out the trash. But, never hang out. But we are related and our orbits will be brought even closer when Mami eventually passes and we have to deal with that. Not that Mami is close to passing. I think she will live forever what with the endless pills and wine.

I mention this because my sister visited along with all my grown nieces and nephews my brother in law and my mother. And, it was fine. I talk about work a bit too much here but I won't get into the nitty gritty of my family affairs. They are boring and passive aggressive, which is an awful combination. But, at the end of this my oldest nephew (18) asked for a Cleveland Indians hat. Apparently this is a thing for youths. Collecting hats. He is visiting colleges and the prize is running to the bookstore to get swag from each college. Sports to me is very partisan so wearing gear of any other team feels pour some bleach on it and then burn it filthy. But, I am also a tired fat 35 year old with an 70 year old's spirit.

We take him to a local store that sells sports gear and I tell Mami that she can wait in the car if she wants. She agrees (Very hard to get in and out of the car, you see) but then insists the car should not be left running.

"I will be car jacked!"

Mind you this store is in the far west side suburbs of our Cleveland locale. The biggest crime is someone jay walking across Center Ridge Road or hollering "motherfucker" as they stumble out of the Buffalo Wild Wings.

I tell her she will be fine and she insists she will be "assaulted" and to turn it off. The look on her eyes is pure and sincere, something my mother could never be and for a moment I am touched. And I recall the "You should only be scared if I am" and I leave her in the car still running.

"Its fine, you will stay warm"

And, she made it.

*In her convoluted mami way.

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

A Smooth Transition and Something Scary, Gremlins

I re-read the last post and realized how cringe inducing it was. I thought that the inspirational essay was much better but a bit of the old confirmation bias because it was likely also bad. Or good in the, tried the hardest in this class which was an 8am Personal Essay class in the basement of the theater building kind of good. I wish I could make for a better transition but here are some words about Gremlins which I just saw and should have been something scary but I was too busy trying to keep it together earlier.

Two things about this movie

1) I was TERRIFIED of it as a child. I did not see Gremlins until I was maybe 14 years old. People take about triggered and seeing the plush stuffed Gizmo in a car window (which was a thing even in the God less country of PR) made we want to yell "Mami, drive faster!"

2) This movie is NOT a Christmas movie. It is a movie set during Christmas but could work any other time. And, yes, Phoebe Cates has that whole bit about her dad and being Santa Claus but its a gag convenient to the circumstances. They even make fun of the bit in the second movie!

Number 1 all considered and factored in...I do love this movie and how not scary it is while also being so damn funny.

Its all the little things. The blown on snow. All the Pelzer goof ball inventions. How the Pelzer mom annihilates a whole squad of the little guys. Its the coos and noises of the Mogwai. Its the camp and a bit of the violence too. A woman is thrown out the window on her stair lift! A guy drives around town on a tractor! "A Kentucky Harvester, Billy! Hasn't given me a single problem in 15 years!"

Luckily,  my children also love this movie but not as much as Ghostbusters which I admittedly don't get hyped for as much. Except for the "Are you a god?" joke. That is classic.

There is no good content, only Zuul!

Monday, November 04, 2019

In My Feelings

This post is both very in my feelings* and a bit TMI. Only two gross moments (and I feel they are earned) but this is the trigger warning. This essay is a variation of a kind off good personal essay I wrote in college that I sort of rediscovered. Meaning I found the 3.5" floppy I kept a bunch of essays junior year. I brought the floppy for 75 cents at the bookstore. I cant find anything to open it but it says "Personal Essay" on it. So this is entirely from memory and also changed for the 14 years in between. So, it's an original piece, really, but still it's in my feelings and a bit tmi.

At some point in my teenage years my mother decided I was depressed. Note that my mother also for a brief spell decided I was gay and also decided that I should not apply to college but to universities. My mother was always right and frequented a line that went "if I say the sky is red then it is red"

So she took me to a psychiatrist and these were awkward sessions not just because of the inherent dynamic (A lot of. "So…") but because I didn't know why we were there. Well the doctor was there because it's his office, but me I'm not sure.

Was I unhappy? Sure, but in the way I think all teens are. I didn't like being overweight or terrified of talking to people. I wanted to kiss a girl and was sure I never would. School was fine save for math where I was always a C student.

I maybe an unreliable narrator. A savvy reader would ask for my mother's point of view. And, that's fair. But my mother does not speak English and unless you speak Spanish her view point is hidden. Maybe it was her maternal intuition. Or her own struggles being widowed and finding a way to pay for the private school I went through. These were the moments I thought of when I would see her on the steps to our front door smoking a cigarette and nursing wine. The metal antennae of the cordless phone still deployed because she was always on or expecting a call.

But the psychiatrist put me on anti depressants. Mellaril, which I had no clue what it was for except my mother said I couldn't sleep. I later read the word in The Exorcist novel and it was referenced ina X-Files episode and I felt badass. Then Paxil in varying dosages each in pastel Easter egg colors. 10 mg sunny yellows. Rosy 20 mg doses. 30 mg hospital room mint green pills.

And I took this for a year in high school. I don't recall any mental effects but maybe the bravery to join the public speaking/forensics team was related to it. This was towards the end of high school where the reality known was that this would all end. This spoke to privilege and geographic position. I would leave Puerto Rico and truly never see these folks again, unless I wanted to. Once I got married I teased my wife at how many people in her hometown still lived there. Does anyone leave Bay Village?! She was an outlier because we lived three suburbs over in Lakewood.

The only physical effect was that the Paxil made it impossible to masturbate. Wow, did that suck. That once happened when Marilyn Markman, who was also in the forensics club and 1)Really good and 2) Really good looking, read a speech where she was a Holocaust survivor and narrates her children dying of starvation. Yeah, really hard to break that mental image even with out the pills.

But this did not follow me into adulthood where I enjoyed enough success to 1) Not die 2) Get a job and 3) Keep these jobs for enough time to enjoy a bit of life. I'm still awkward and a scientific study degree of anxious and terrified to talk to people but I control them enough to get by. My life is incredibly boring yet frightfully successful when I remember the people I helped in the humanitarian aid job or my peers with more schooling, better looks, better personalities, who likely don't make as much.

However, recently I've felt myself sapped and anxiously bluesy. Its a Sunday afternoon at 6pm feeling but all the time. I think I am depressed in all the ways they tell you to watch for and speak out for before it gets too bad. Its the combination of age having just turned 35, an age my mother assumed I would never make it to. Its persistent impostor syndrome at work where I feel regardless of any success I am close to being run out of the the office. A co-worker told me the other day "I think you would be so much happier if you could just, you know, turn off your brain sometimes. Like at home." Its how my son seems to spiral at school unable to focus and contain whatever anger and depression came across genetically. Its the geometrical degrees of awkward when I work at my sons' schools and see him melting down in an office kicking at co-workers who, before all this, i was already zonky wonky around but now its angry zonky wonky. And yes that sounds like Sesame Street bit but I can't put it into words well. Or succinctly. Its spending years trying not to come across as a raging weirdo to these people and then a ticking time bomb where it can all pour out. I often joke about favorite teachers as a not so sly way to say people who I think are particularly funny, creative, helpful, and/or attractive. And all these coalesce around my mercurial son who is damaged because of likely something I did to him. And, its the damage I am doing to my daughter who plays peacefully with piles of stuffed animals humming YouTube songs out of key. "We need to remember NOT to forget her," my wife says as I pass out on the couch. 

I said I wasn't depressed before but this feeling is emotional dejavu and I reflect on something I dismissed so long ago.

*I'll buy some champagne but all ya went is Henny. Had to make the Drake reference with a title like this.

Friday, November 01, 2019

Sorry, an MTG post

Recently on Twitter I said I was going to take a break. That is because I use it as sometimes a sad cry to engage/discuss and no one reciprocates. Not that anyone needs to but sometimes I think I make a funny gag and those likes hit like knock out punches of dopamine. I am terrified people from work will find it but then I want them to decipher the in jokes but then I get scared again that they will realize it is deeply boring. Posts on the blog often increase when things are going bonkers in my life but writing, even boring one, is helpful. Tweeting offers no such catharsis even when I thread the chains.

But, then someone leaked cards* from MTG's January set of Theros: Beyond Death and as expected my girl Elspeth is coming back from the dead and I HAVE TO SQUEE!

That is her full art version so, if history holds, that is her final art albeit the "normal" version will have frames.

If you know anything about MTG then I will plant my flag and say she will be good. Most folks are poo-pooing her effect but I think she is like History of Benalia in terms of being a topper in white aggressive decks. And she can come back as long as you have cards in the graveyard. Shit, you can even chain them into each other so she is never not on the battlefield. RAARRGH! GET EM!

If you don't then, I am sorry. Why you are down so deep here I don't know but thanks for reading. I love Elspeth because she is 1) Bad ass 2)Wear appropriately designed armor** and 3) Is a Bant Knight and I like to think of myself as that. Well, maybe a squire.

I just had to squee! I am glad she is "coming" back from the dead after her run in with poor writin....errr...the Sun God Heliod who killed her because its an cheap way to build path...she showed even gods could die.

The set officially releases in January and official previews would come in late December so I will save my Twitter gushing for then.

*Per the story they found boosters for sales in a Walgreens in North Carolina. Which maybe a lie (Why would product be shipped already to big box people?) but could also be true considering leaks are lousy in MTG. It could be guerrilla marketing albeit if it is its some piss poor image quality.

**I am sincere in this but another favorite fictional crush character is Sailor Moon so I am not made of stone! 

Sunday Morning

 My father was not a man of faith That is something I stole from him, that phrase I use to politely defuse the handsome couple at my door on...