Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Lot More Fun

I am perpetually stuck in my late adolescence and early adult hood. I know, hard to tell reading this blog! That makes all my daydreams and fantasies and interactions have this video game or cartoon adventure tinge. We don't go on errands but I am completing missions and when I finish them I get the "+ respect" right out of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas*

It is something like. "My wife told me to pick up the prescription on the way back from daycare. Finish it and get a plus on respect."

That makes it a lot more fun.

At work everyone is a quest giver and some quest givers I want to impress. Because they may have a cool reward like helping me stuff 30 emergency binders after the fire marshal tells us to change the emergency operations plan again. Because, I have their respect. And some quest givers I want to dodge (like dodging the trainers in a Pokemon Gym because you are already over leveled and don't want to go into that final fight with damage) because their quests are Sisyphean (I needed to say something, but now I forgot) or gain no respect or rewards. Just more quests. Its the endless raids on bandit camps in Assassin's Creed: Origins except there is no loot. Just a nice "Thanks" and "You're welcome" Of course, I get loot from my boss and can use it to build the little camp I have (my house) ala Minecraft.

I got a new laptop for someone at work and I imagine "This will give you +1 intelligence and +2 speed/communication!" That makes it a lot more fun. "Here is an umbrella. It gives +1 to armor and +3 if they are using a water based attack!"

Oh and handing these out comes with a lot more flair. The umbrella hand off is big flourish like some overdrive attack in a JRPG. It comes flying out of the corner where it is stored and zips through the air until it slaps right into someones grip. And then that person, with two hands on the grip, wields it skyward and screams and there are lights shooting out and here we go! That makes it a lot more fun.

And people transform like some henshin Sailor Moon scene. So, "Go put on your coat. It is cold out" becomes swirls of lights and arms up in an elegant dance to the tune of something adventurous. That makes it a lot more fun.

*It sucked getting respect when you really needed money or weapons. That game had some brutal missions like Just Business where you outrun an entire army of Russian mobsters and then all you get is Respect. Yeah, I better get some respect considering I just killed 50 guys while riding on the back of a motorcycle going 90 mph in a sewer! I better be made a Navy Seal!

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