Monday, December 23, 2019

Writing Prompt-Rouge

Rouge is the name of a sexy anthropomorphized bat in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. I know this because my son enjoys Sonic albeit he has never played the games. There are dozens of these side characters who share the world sometimes with humans and sometimes not. There are about a dozen sonic cartoons.

"The one where Sonic fights the octopus on the beach and Amy uses her hammer!" My son is light years from reading so show titles as pointless. It's like road signs and me. You want to get to the airport? I gotcha but listen because you will pass two BP gas stations and one is good and one is bad and the turn is at the good one. And then a willow tree.

And then I have to divine if ite Sonic X (which is like an anime) or Sonic Underground  (Hes in a band and has a brother and sister!) or Sonic Boom (which is goofy) but not as goofy as Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog which I watched in Spanish dub! Sonic agaisnt the evil robots Chatarra and Robo Pollo! 

Rouge is sexy in that we are told she is. Not like I'm into human like bats. More of a Sailor Moon for fictional character crush kind of person. But Rouge....she's a femme fatale. Who is also a bat. She speaks in a Feench accent. And she's a jewel thief! Which is pertinent in Sonic because he is always looking for those Chaos Emeralds. 

Rouge is also a synonym for makeup. I cleaned out apartments one summer in college and we sometimes found petrified makeup left behind. A bit of foundation that fell behind the toilet. Things like that. Sometimes people will wear makeup and they usually dont. Like it's a special day. Picture day. And I want to say to them "Oh, you like nice." but anxiety cripples me so I'll say it on this blog because being so public feels that more confidential. This blog is digital rouge made to jazz my first impression up.

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