Saturday, December 21, 2019

Writing Prompt

I hope this becomes a series.* A coworker**gifted me a book of writing prompts for the holidays. Much better than the online ones where I can just hit refresh. No one sees that because it's just blips on a keyboard*** but turning a page to a new prompt and then ignoring it? The universe sees that! 

So the first prompt is peaches.

Just that....peaches. 

Ok, so the first thing I think about is butts! Because of the emojis and online culture. Think about certain ones more so than others! 

Look, this book made a choice when they began with peach because it would get everyone's thirst going. But, I am pretty sure no one wants to read any of that from me. So I self censor and segue to the time our pediatrician asked us if we were sure if our son swallowed a peach pit or a nectarine 

"Big difference," he said after the answering service found him on his day off.

And I had no clue the difference between a peach and nectarine. They are the same thing like lemon and limes. right? My wife always reminds me of that whenever we purchase said lemons or limes. Same difference!

"Its a nectarine. I'm sure." 

"Oh, then it will pass. If he is sick later tonight or tomorrow then go to the ER. But we should be ok. Glad it was not a peach."

Had it been a peach sure the kid would have choked and the call never happened. "Its too big for him to swallow. Its just a size thing," my wife said.

I'm tired of things making sense like that. Peaches are dangerous because of three extra layers of chitinous embedded onto the peach pit. 

Or we never evolved the ability to break down peach seed like how we can't generate our own Vitamin  C. 

Our son was just fine and this post would have been better if about butts.

*I say this like there is some editor or advertiser to please. This is my blog!

**Favorite coworker mind you!

***Actually someone does see it!

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