Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Quick Highlights

In high school for about a year I had frosted tips. It was the go-go 90s and I swore it made me look bad ass. The fact my mom did them in our laundry room with rolls of wrap, that bleach goop, and the sharp point of a comb handle went unreported. Then I would spike them up with glops of gel. The big blue LA Looks kind because it was 1) Cheap 2) Extrem Hold. The number rating for hold went all the way to 12! 3) Had bubbles in the gel. I am sucker for bubbles in things. I had a set of glasses with a single bubble in the base and I found myself quite classy. "Thisnis only for good stuff, you see! The Makers Mark, you see."

At work a colleague found that picture online and uses it every so often as a reply all to an email. "Yeah that's good everyone but check this out!" 

"Hey!" I say. "I'll report it for harrassment"

"Oh will you?!"

Fuck, no. I wont because it's funny and I'm a secret sucker for the laughs. 

I then in college tried to grow my hair long.  But that summer experiment lead to no length. Just volume that puffed up on my head so I had this Q Tip look. 

"You need to style it so it grows that way. Like cut it and painting it to grow that way." 

Not for me and likely for the better.

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