Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Close Call

So, the other day #girlsinyogapants was trending on Twitter. And, I am not made of stone so I viewed the hash tag at work and well....

Me, internally: #girlsinyoga pants is trending. Let's go!

Also, me internally, but screaming: OH NO! I am doing this from work! Why is this trending!? I thought porn bots were my friends! My only readers

Boss: Hey! Just thought I would drop in. What are you up to?

Me: NOTHING! ***slams computer***

Boss: .... Doesn't look like nothing.

Me, sweating: Oh, I needed to reset my password and I forgot. Well, it didn't take. So annoying. Sorry you had to see me like that

Boss: What's that you say...."PUT IN A TICKET!" ***Laughs a deep belly laugh***

Me: Haha, right!?

Also, me: ↓↓↓↓↓

As a closing note there was nothing exciting about that hashtag as it was a mix of A) People befuddled by it, B) Porn bots furiously retweeting, C) Jokes.

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