Friday, January 31, 2020

Watch Out Its A Poem

In college I dated a girl who also wrote, particularly poetry. Save her writing was good. I'll scratch out poems in the margins of notebooks thinking "This would look great in the insert page of a non-fiction book!" 

I've also been reading Song of a Captive Bird by Jasmin Dazrnick which is a lovely novel about a young girl in pre revolution Iran and the protagonist struggles with making it as a poet. So, just like when I watch Vince Carter dunk highlights and then go out and brick 50 shots at the rec center here is a poem.


The scalded blisters 
flake into blades that
to a fear unfounded 
My hands feel the
kinetic emptiness 
of a space abandoned 
It was germs
It was climate change 
It was economic collapse
It was a war over water
It was whatever, the end
What we prepared for 
By the labor of our hands
We tried
And missed
Spared and saved of what we feared 
But only what came earlier 

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