Sunday, January 26, 2020

Three Dots

A confession I have is that I love getting alerts and message notifications. I find them rewarding in both clearing them (The satisfaction of checking things off my list) and the interaction. For sometimes maximum glee I disable the notifications so that I need to manually check my email or messages. 

At work sometimes out messaging app doesn't flash the notification and it's a little surprise. Like finding a dollar on the street. And the program lets you respond to posts emotionally all Facebook style. So I thumbs up your post. Here is a shocked face. A sad face. If somone responds with the heart emoji then I would kill for them. That heart is powerful.

And I always want people to respond knowing that in reality everyone else has soemthing else to take their time. They are truly inundated with messages and their little note is not so tied to self worth. Those three dots that flicker up and down as they type are a double edged sword that fills with glee and also ennui. 

So I value the last minute emergencies and questions. Sometimes people on Twitter will DM back and it's a message from deep space. They have weight 

I do have one buddy who regularly messages. He uses it to pass the time while at work save he works third shift so they chime at 3am. And my sleep schedule, broken by anxiety and children, often lends itself well to this. "You always answer," he says. 

And its true 

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