Sunday, April 05, 2020


Here are some low grade conspiracies I swear are true.

There is no difference between the deluxe and basic options at the car wash. Maybe if it was one of those hand wash places when your extra five dollars gets another guy on the hood. But at an automatic place? Total tipoff.

The reason toothpaste commercials show a great big gooey glob of toothpaste is to sell more. You only need a pea sized amount. It even says that on the packaging!

That Jetdry rinse agent stuff is baloney. A plot by Big Dish to suck your money. Oh, its for your fine china? Well if you had such dishes I know your maid is polishing them anyway!

They put all those stickers and cardboard inserts on new pants so you deliberately miss one and look like a jabroni the next day at work/school. I dont need seven stickers telling me what size these are! I am not a cyclops!

The truth can hurt sometimes.

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