Friday, April 10, 2020

Work Remotely Mix

The bots that spy on me when I use Youtube reminded me that I have created a quarantine-remote work playlist. They nicely label it "My Mix" but its the drive to work in 13 minutes when it usually takes 25 mix. I wanted to share it because listening to it every day reminds me of this single moment. Is this going to be one of those moments where everyone remembers where they were?

Where were you when you were told to stay at home due to Covid 19? When work got canceled? Or made remote?* Is this like a 9/11? Challenger explosion? OJ verdict? I doubt it has that sharp punch. Instead its a pervasive gloom. So less of a moment then changes and activities. THose memes people pass around asking for five jobs but one is a lie, etc. Instead I think of this mix. And if you read the warning there is a lot of electronic music here so be forewarned.

A song to shuffle down the highway too or open my icy dark office to. If this were a movie the opening credits would play along building to a moment you would think is exciting but is actually quite dull. The log in for my computer takes and opens my email. Stuff like that

A song to type and bounce from room to room to. Did that tile drop to the floor? Has anyone been here? Did the cleaners do what we asked? Dial keys tones to check my voicemail. Here is a ton of email drafts flying out the old inbox. The copier just warmed up. So, lets go!

Boots and cats. Boots and cats. Boots and cats. Boots and cats. Boots and cats. The getting thing done song. Boots and cats. Boots and cats. Boots and cats. Boots and cats. At around 1:47 in the "chorus" of the song there is a quick drum tick tock beat that makes me idle thinking of work crushes. But then back to boots and cats, boots and cats, boots and cats

Shit usually at this point I have to take a phone call so the songs second....Ok, all done....

A quick break and then getting more stuff done.

Yes, because I, in my dark office surrounded by the shells of broken laptops and wondering if that noise I just heard is a mouse or a murderer means I am truly the hardest motherfucker ever.

Hardest. Motherfucker. Ever. But...only when I have taken my asthma meds and my Emergen-C vitamin powder

I am incapable of listening to this song and not start doing some sort of exercise. One day a coworker made fun of how I did pushups and damn right I sung this song. And, fuck pushups. I am not Batman so lets see how those pushps help you when you need your time sheet signed or computer password, reset!?

Now I am sad. I don't know why but I am. And here usually I start listening to some podcast or talking to myself.

*I do because I'm a weirdo. I had just raced back from a wholsesale club on the far far west suburbs to buy a cartoonish amount of pens and gallon zip loc bags for remote learning kits our school was making.  I jumped out of the car when I saw the texts from co-workers we had been canceled for three weeks. Then our reading teachers opened the door for dismissal and told me. It was warm that day for early March.

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