Best place on the Internet for Slovenian cyber heroines, desert island enthusiasts, and perpetual day dreamers
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Guys, I got HBO Max
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Little Moments of Bravery
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Enjoy Your Own Thanksgiving
Folks, I am excited for the cancelled holidays. We have such short memories but every year its the same recycled takes.
"Who wants to travel for Thanksgiving?"
"I do not want to see my racist uncle. I don't want to have to explain why I am not yet married. Why I don't have kids. While I still rent. Etc, etc"
"I do not have the time to clean and host 15 something people in my place!"
"I DO NOT want to talk politics with my family. Someone will turn on the news and then, shit, well there is my racist uncle"
Lovely glossy magazines and well photographed listicles will tempt us every year with new dishes to try when we are supremely sit in the same plates each and every year. We will bemoan early sales that take away from the "spirit" of the holiday and justify why its OK those folks at WalMart are there at 5pm. "Hey, they give them dinner there! They got TWO Thanksgivings"
There will be stern twitter warning from folks more woke than us saying to consider not everyone has a loving family and to be sensitive of those people who cannot (or should not) see their families. "My family told me to never come back when I said I was trans. So, fuck them. I never did"
However, in the inverted year of 2020 now everyone believes it is not just their right but THEIR DUTY to see everyone they can. Those cousins three times removed who live in Billing, MT? Oh, we NEED to be able to lick their damn eyeballs. It is my right!
No better way to entice someone then tell them they can't have it. Every parent knows this. Every school teacher. I once knew a teacher who would cover up a bookshelf in a blanket at the beginning of the year. And the kids would freak the fuck out.
"Ms, Iorio! Ms. Iorio, WHAT IS UNDER THE BLANKET!?"
"You will have to wait and see!"
And those kids poked and scooted closer to it until it was revealed it was just books! Ready for one we mastered the earlier texts.
But when leadership doesn't back these appeals to common decency and the social contract with consequences then we get the eye ball licking. Folks sneering as they pour over a Norman Rockwell spread tinted by pandemic undertones. Let us the Instagram filter of Biohazard. Smile, everyone!
Blame capitalism. Blame the perversion of American conservatism from a sort of rugged individualism to a perpetual state of sorrow. Blame China. Blame the Karens and Chads. This is nuanced for sure and our hyper polarized world does not allow for that. So, pick your poison and hopefully stay home.
I will and relish a Thanksgiving spent with my nuclear family and no people I need to pretend to enjoy.
Sunday, November 01, 2020
The True Self
Thursday, October 29, 2020
S in the ABC
Boy does this song have it all. Starts with the brassy hit like a high school marching band is about to come down field and play Stars and Stripes Forever. Then that funky snap like a cello bounding over Mt. Everest before segueing into the main song. There it has all this bumping and dueling staccato with the organize frenzy that partially peaks at "SMACK BY BITCH UP!" before then wilding out again. The only break is the female one note solo that then goes right back into madness.
I enjoyed this song a bit too much for someone who the hardest thing they ever took was quinine and black coffee while abroad in Nicaragua. Other The Prodigy songs I admire are Diesel Power and Climbatize and Spitfire. I am quite the "on paper" hard character you see. Or at least 20 something me did while wearing this out on the old Discman.
These are songs to do heroin to. I think the song is ABOUT heroin. Have you seen the video? It has a twist that is still a bit surprising albeit more in a "I need to check my preconceived notions" then blow my mind style.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Meandering Check In
Monday, September 07, 2020
Rainy Day
Its crum-dug-diggly-fugly weather today.
80 billion gallons fell over our 12 county area in 8 hours said the weekend weather man. The man who is not as handsome as the prime time man. Still somewhat stilted and fishing for a catch phrase that will take him to big weather cities. Miami. New York. Anywhere but here.
Clapboard weather that pitter patters on the un-used exhaust vent in my apartment. Soaked drenched phone book weather. The amount of water that turns these relics into suburban super weapons to be tossed over highway pedestrian bridges. A tiny bit of free mayhem just needing a nudge.
Tomorrow the already dense spindles of tomatoes will surge from their August peak into an Indian summer of green ticking against a clock and root bound to stop them from rending more fruit. The plants my neighbor left on her porch will soon need to be brought in. I anthropomorphize the plants and here is her scheflerra commenting on he difference in mineral from rain water to tap."This really tastes better, Janet. The rain water I mean. On my rhizomes"
Here are torrents that pour through the broken glass of old warehouses. Places you can ge for a deal. Call Lou Sala for a deal on this place where vines cover the area code. Moss grows over the drenched upholstery from the abandoned break room sofas.
Clammy basement weather. Trapped in a bar called the Barking Spider where they only have hot fries to eat and the TV got soaked through a hole in the siding.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Z in The ABC
Z for Zombie by The Cranberries
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
X in the ABC
Sometimes I look at my children and see how they inherent all my flaws and little of whatever strength or knowledge I have. That said maybe my strengths are just neuroses that render some productivity. A deep desire of valuing work over everything else. Fussing over cleaning and paperwork and sorting until everything is just a damn fuck it. At least my son doesn't need to wear glasses.
They have picked up on tics particularly around the insane things I say to preclude any event. Any attempt to work out (any physical exertion tbh) at all and you are going to get
Time to do some push ups....X GON' GIVE TO YA!
Want me to bring all the groceries in on trip? UP A FLIGHT OF STAIRS?! HIT ME WITH THAT JAM!
How I made his connection is lost to history. Victim of way to many songs where this is some intro for a big fight or car chase. Because I am horribly out of shape it usuall is something like X GON' GIVE TO YA. I'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR NINETEEN YEARS AND.....wheeze....blerg....fuck that is enough of that.
This will be jammed before taking the training wheels off the bike. Or jumping into the deep end of the pool.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
U in the ABC
Hounds of Love is a witchcraft collection of an album. Something that shouldn't exist because of its ability to summon the ethereal. I recently read the Harry Potter books and whenever veelas show up I imagine Kate Bush playing in the background.
But, the song for this is kind of a cheat. Brief and spooky, spartan with words but loaded with sonic asides. In Under Ice she sneaks in a sonar ping along with submarine chatter, screechy violin, and an overbearing sense of presence. A fog all around you or hoar frost locking up under the skin. This song always make me imagine myself standing out on the ice and staring down into something brewing below it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
W in the ABC
I was 22 at the time and had many "first job" foibles albeit looking back at it, I am proud of the overall work. Ever read Dr. Seuss's The Lorax? Made me feel like The Once-ler and everyone else was the Lorax. We killed a video store but I sincerely doubt the sustainability of a town of 1500 with TWO video stores in the year 2006. So...I made a few enemies but last time I visited the town still had the personalized bricks and rippled lamp posts and new trees. In the end it was worth it but I did give up on any pretense of living in said town. Maybe citizens feel differently?
However, at the time I got hired I committed to the gig and place. I asked my supervisor, the Village Clerk (What this person does I am not sure. She cut a lot of receipts), for a list of local landlords. Could I rent a place in town and avoid the 30 minute commute by rural bus?
One person who called back? He was a local slumlord who owned a Christmas tree farm and drove around in a vintage sports car the color of Kinko's canary copy paper. Not a mean guy but the place was a dump. An A Frame duplex house, already a Frankenstein beast, split into 5 apartments. Apartment 5 used to be his son's and the junior had left bric a brac and furniture that then became mine. The place had this videogame RPG vibe to it where you open a cupboard and there was an electric hand mixer. Then a plate. A shaving kit bag. Can I turn this junk into something useful?
Place had an emerald green settee style couch with the ornate wooden legs and loops that had to be a RMS Titanic relic. And heat came from a giant (Thing had to be 4 feet wide by 3 feet tall) gas heater in the middle of the living room. A cast iron pot belly heater/oven with none of the charm.
Place was five minutes from village hall so with no commute and the job plateauing to be an ersatz complaint department (Most days were spent waiting for the phone to ring or someone to email the help line) I sat around a fair amount listening to music on my Rhapsody account. And this is how I found Thursday, a screamo suburban band that seemed to acknowledge that with this jam.
Raw lyrics with the "ashes of American flags" and talking about the joined collective moment of 9/11. Another key Thursday song for me is Understanding in a Car Crash which has the ending of a low rumble repetition of "keep crashing this car, over and over. Keep crashing this car, over and over." I think about that a lot. At work. When voting. When responding to an ask from my wife.
Friday, August 21, 2020
T in the ABC
Thursday, August 20, 2020
P in the ABC
Considering her discography and influence you think I would pick something else but my Madonna album is Ray of Light. Which, considering my penchant for electronic music it makes sense. It also came out at the right time in the summer of 98 when I watched a ton of MTV so any song that came out between 97-99 is just carbon seared into my mind.
Note, I don't enjoy or remember much of Ray of Light except this song and hence the aforementioned and this post.
Power Of Goodbye has it all for me. The moodiness and ethereal sound that permeate your mood and give me these click clack steam punk vibes. This is a song that always felt to me quite wise and a sort of deep cut to love and emotion but instead its just a leftover song at the end of the album.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
A Play To Save
Friday, August 14, 2020
N in the ABC
I lent a guy name Jnani (pronounced Yanni) my sole copy of The Postal Service's Give Up, an album I adore. An album only made better that they never made a follow up even though fans clamor for it. Songs alternate from moody indie jams to then electronic jams you can run on a treadmill. Then the song here the duet Nothing Better
Such poetry in the words as the two former lovers fight. I never went through such a hard breakup so I can't pine for any empathy but I can appreciate the lyrics and situation. Like forget about cellar doors and never more...give more more of "Don't you feed me lies about some idealistic future/Your heart won't heal right if you keep tearing out the sutures"
Monday, August 10, 2020
M in the ABC
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is a desert island album for sure. All those tracks are bangers and all the people he brought together is this lovely and lurid tapestry. From that I regularly draw to Monster as my go-to jam. Here Kanye is more of a producer and you let yourself enjoys rhymes by Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Bon Iver and Nicki Minaj. Amazing how cohesive the thing feels considering each individual piece. All virulent and loud power fantasies.
Consensus is the Nicki Minja verse is best but my personal fav is Jay-Z's what with the horror tropes and the clever use of a sharp inhale right at the end.
Sunday, August 09, 2020
L in the ABC
Thursday, August 06, 2020
K in the ABC
Wednesday, August 05, 2020
J in the ABC
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
I the ABC
Monday, August 03, 2020
H in the ABC
Friday, July 31, 2020
G in The ABC
I had never seen the vidoe before this and it also makes no sense. For a song that is all about intimacy, its folks having a big jazzy street jam.
I shouldn't be so derisive. I like this song! The lyrics are quite poetic but typing them me they sound better in Spanish. I mean...
I would like to start a country with you. So words like motherland, flag, nation, border, race or destiny would make sense to me
I would love if our country had, a huge arsenal of cuddles under the sea
Give me your hand so we can take this boat celebrating with a kiss the day that is today
Written out like that they are anime ending song lyrics that make no sense. Cringe factor 100%. Once, I tried to flirt with a girl by asking what color her underwear was and I didn't cringe as much then. Really feel it in your stomach as it falls out.
It sounds better for sure. Don't let any this discourage you from giving a list And even if you can't speak Spanish there is a neat spicy guitar.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
F in the ABC
But, I like to think that anyone reading this assumes any Spanish tracks I have are super deep obscure cuts. Stuff you need to listen to while sitting pointing in a westward direction. And not the "rock en español" version of Aerosmith's Crazy.
This song dropped like a bomb in late elementary school with the bluesy twang and lyrical jamming.
By now, it is fairly quaint and schmaltzy, something your parents listened to. In my case it was my paternal grandfather trying to mimic the chorus but in a low awkward echo. Imagine a 70 year old woman just repeating the words of your favorite song 4 solid seconds after the singer has sung. That was La Flaca by Jarabe de Palo.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
E in the ABC
All that said, here is a cover song which I enjoy much more than the original. Lorde's cover of Tear for Fear's Everybody Rules the World just has that cinematic feel to it. Could this song be a trailer to something? Could it play as you walk into some big work meeting right in front of the board of directors. Does a beat drop before some big boom? Put that right into my ears, please!
No slander to the original which endures for good reasons beyond it is a great song to jam into any villain reveal. These sound like totally different songs with very different feels. The OG one is a court jester poking fun and tilting the king while the Lorde version is actually leading the king to the guillotine
And I much prefer Pale Shelter by Tears for Fears anyway, which could have been P in the ABC but just blew my shot right here, right now.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Books I Should Have Read Already-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- I appreciate that this book begins with something that isn't Harry at the Durnsleys. We are four books in and we are doing something different beyond re-hashing the start. That scene does make Voldemort seem appropriately sinister where to me, the aforementioned four books in, he has come off as kind of a big nothing.
- Oh well second chapter keeps the tradition going so nevermind.
- I think it is silly that Harry never gave the Weasleys some kind of money considering he is loaded. I know we get a throw away line that "they would never accept it" but doesn't feel earned or truthful.
- In the absence of Voldemort is there any evil in the Wizard World. Beyond being a villain he seems to be THE SOURCE of all conflict in the magical world. Like if Voldemort never existed the biggest villains would be Draco's sneer and like the pranks of the Weasley bros?
- I enjoyed the spat between Harry and Ron over Ron's very legitimate feelings of being overlooked. I think his own mother loves Harry more so yeah I would be a bit peeved. Sure, should have listened to your pal and assume he is being truthful but don't blame you for feeling raw about those, my boy Ron.
- Four books in I care very little about Harry but want more and more of this world. The other Wizarding schools. The cup. The interactions with the Muggle word. With that said, I really liked Cedric Diggory what with his nobility and good lucks and acumen. So, of course he fucking dies. Some serious Duncan Idaho from Dune vibes right there save they brought Idaho back from the dead in Dune because why not bring back the charming, sexy, talented guy? Man, that irks me. But, at least he gets a decent send off. An office crush told me once I should be sorted in Hufflepuff and maybe I should have because feel so bad for this short lived hero.
- On that, I appreciate how that house gets a bit more elaboration but what does Ravenclaw do? And their logo is an eagle!? BUT THE NAME RAVEN IS RIGHT THERE!
- This books is way too long even with the above stated. It picks up with the Voldemort reveal scene, which DOES feel very earned and foreboding.
- I will admit skimming the inevitable villain exposition at the end because these are some complicated 9th degree 3D chess convolutions and the get foiled because Harry is lucky. There are several deus ex machinas here. The one with Harry in the duel is lovely as he coaxes the ghosts of eveyrone Voldermort has killed to protect him but HE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING! It just happens....because it needs to happen! Then the reason is a quirk in wand design. Not because he is pure of heart but because of WAND DESIGN. At least pure of heart would jive better with the epic quest aspect.
- The Moody/Barty Crouch sub villain plot is also a Byzantine pretzel of "umm...oks." At first I thought it was going to be this kind of Starscream inspired plot where a henchmen kills the hero to get the one up on the main villain (For a Star Wars analogy kind of like Darth Maul to Vader in all the recent canon) but instead it was all part of the plan! As well!
- The last chapter is called "The Beginning." How many more of these books are there?
- Knowing that the senior Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle families are indeed evil are their kids also evil? Because at the end if it is pretty frank Draco is saying Harry is going to die now that Voldemort is back.
Monday, July 27, 2020
D in the ABC
As you read these you will notice much of the choice center around transportation. And reveries set to these little soundtracks. I rarely want to be where I actually am. These jams make everything feel that much more heroic or, at minimum, satisfying. And Disintegration, particularly the instrumental crescendo around 4 minutes in, is pure daydream centered around my "women with swords" penchant. I once told someone (at a much younger and dumber age) that I sometimes fantasized about her fighting others in our share sphere and she responded "That's Ok. I know I kick a lot of ass in them." Bullet dodged and nothing beyond that mere exchange but this is that jam. Note this song is far from it. Its about drugs, addiction, and a broken relationship bust listen to it and imagine yourself stepping into any errand or meeting ready to absolutely win.
To wrap up...this whole bit could be mostly Jimmy Eat World songs but this is the one. And its a fairly "deep track" of their considering it is one random EP record from the mid 00s. The song got played on a One Tree Hill episode which is a show, like my attempt at veganism, I tried to watch to impress a girl, but when you hear it people will often say "Oh, like on OTH!" And if you only knowm Jimmy Eat World from "The Middle" then too bad for you. That song is awful and means nothing, which makes sense why it became such a hit.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
C in the ABC
What does this remind me of? These seemingly enter summer long weekend trips to family friends in Guanica, a sleep town in an already drowsy part of the island best known for being the point where the US invaded in 1898 Spanish-American War.* At this point the island's edge loops and pits into endless rocky crags and isolated peninsulas surrounded by mangroves and dry rain forest. Here was Gloria's house with the huge indoor courtyard landscaped with hills and snake plants. She was later murdered, found stuffed in a bag miles away. And also Playa Santa where at the end of the bay someone had mounted a concrete Virgin Marry statute into a rocky alcove. Edi and Mundito's house where they kept the washing machine outside and had a pomegranate tree. The third Die Hard movie and Batman Forever.
*This make it sounds MUCH more involved then it actually was. More happened in the background of wherever you are reading this post than what happened in Puerto Rico during the Spanish American War.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
B in the ABC
This song once came on the car radio and both kids in the back screamed it was a nasty song. "ITS ABOUT BUTTS!? WHAT?!"
They will age into it. Maybe?
Friday, July 24, 2020
A in the ABC
Amish Paradise by Weird Al Yankovic
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I haven't listened to much Weird Al in the last 20 years but from about 6th to 9th grade, damn was he my jam. Like, I knew the words to Albuquerque from Bad Hair Day and The Night Santa Went Crazy.
I bet kids no longer do this (or maybe it was isolated to my little slice of 6th grade) but what gave you major cred was knowing the lyrics to songs. If you had liner notes from a CD then you were invited to all the parties!*
If you knew the words to Coolio's Gangsta Paradise then you were a god. There were other songs that could get you there but few things could top that. If at all.
I had a rich friend in the 6th grade who stood up in the middle of homeroom and declared that for his birthday he would take everyone in the grade to El Conquistador, a huge resort in Fajardo on the other side of the island. And he would take everyone in a fleet of limos.
When this hit the 6th grade coconut line and everyone told their moms that "hey this was happening and yo, where is my swimsuit?"
The following day, this friend, well he had to walk that back and say he could only take a few friends but, hey, I was one! And we listened to a tape of Gangsta's Paradise endlessly for the one hour drive there. So, effectively rewinding track 1 of the Dangerous Minds soundtrack.
I could never get to that level but I memorized all the words to Amish Paradise which didn't impress anyone until the intern at my warehouse job became the new manager and he was also a Weird Al fanatic. But, a true one that still goes to concerts. More power to him.
*The Ace of Base song The Sign caused a war in the 6th grade with the debate of whether it was The Sign or The Sun. No one had the liner notes. And we had some LOADED people at the school. "The name of the song is...The Sign," once said a coworker to me upon telling them this story. 'Didn't you guys realize that from the title?" It was a simpler time.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
R in the ABC
My favorite is Walking in the Snow which I think perfectly condenses their engaging hooks and elaborate rhymes combined with collaboration and production values. If, like me, you discovered them in 2020 then it is the sound of moment. Also, how incredibly badass is the line "Just got done walking in the snow, goddamn that mother fucker cold"
Dear readers, you know I am going to try and jam this into a work email or something.
"Hey guys I just got done walking in the snow
Oh geeze this guy must be cold
Hey yo you in the wrong mode if you think
you can get paid with no PO
This whole world is set by masters far removed
So don't feel bad when you come back used"
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Wow, Quibi Sucks
That's some BS Quibi. Its like when Panera folds over your piece of turkey over 20 times so it looks like hot damn I am getting this massive club sandwich but no it is just one piece folder over enough times to double as a ladder!
Friday, July 10, 2020
Furtive Dream Journal 2
Tuesday, July 07, 2020
Kindergarten Draft Pick
Monday, July 06, 2020
Furtive Dream Journal
Sunday, July 05, 2020
Floor is Lava
Friday, July 03, 2020
Writing Prompt: Under A Fruit Tree
Thursday, July 02, 2020
A List of Dreams
Wednesday, July 01, 2020
Helpless Happy Birthday
Friday, June 26, 2020
A Podcast You Read
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Books I Should Have Already Read, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- These book covers (and I know there are more) always show Harry and the crew in like normal clothes. he is wearing jeans. But the books always talk about robes and I imagine these guys running around in muu-muus with maybe some underpants and a tshirt underneath.
- I have only read three of these books but this one is my favorite so far. There is enough of a familiarity with the characters and setting to feel comfortable but she opens up more of the world. Harry "blowing up" Aunt Marge, the trips to other places in the magical Hogwarts world, the Quidditch final, Snape finally losing his utter shit at Harry, etc all feel very organic, necessary, and rewarding. Do they go downhill from here?!
- Ron is still my homebody and there is a very uncomfortable and sudden bit of violence that describes how his leg breaks as he gets sucked under the Whomping Willow near the book's climax.
- Speaking of climax, when I read the first part of it I was a bit frustrated. Here is Harry getting deus ex machina'ed AGAIN but its actually a clever trick as his FUTURE self is the one who fires the Patronus spell.
- Dementors sound very cool and creepy AND I know 100% get the Prison Mike reference of The Office what with "The toughest part of prison was the dementors" joke. I want to visit Azkaban. I imagine it as basalt cone volcano rising from the sea and encircled by a island high chain of stone steps. Then hundreds of cell facing out from the rock into the sea at the steps with metal bars over their openings. The dementors loop endlessly on the stairs like video game guards for eternity.
- I ALSO got a Twitter joke where a user, in reference to the high turnover of officials in the Trump administration (Only hire best people you know) said "Hogwarts loses another Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher" What a lovely cosmic coincidence.
- Doesn't the presence of a Defense Against the Dark Arts imply and welcome a looming and potential violence? Magical Self Defense perhaps because can't even your best bud totally clobber you with some bolt of purity or what not?
- I still know nothing about Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff save Hufflepuff wears canary yellow.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
The Grid
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Books I Should Have Read Already, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Ok, I lied. One quick aside. But, still, bulleted list. In the last couple of days JK Rowling has been in the news especially after posting a manifesto defending her recent statements on gender and transpeople. I haven't read the manifesto but as someone who firmly supports trans folks and the determination that gender is inherently cultural and not purely biological, I don't think it would be something that excites me. It is tough to see fans feel so hollowed out by Rowling's statements and what seems to be a deep dig into the culture war trenches. As someone who was very taken aback by Orson Scott Card's toxicity (I loved Ender's Game and especially the Shadow series with Bean. Alas) I get it except HP is twenty times bigger than Ender's Game. It hurts. A girl I crushed on in college has an HP tattoo (That I never got as I stared at the back of her head in one of the umpteen Science Fiction classes) and I think if she still displays it proudly? I bet not. And rightfully so. For what it is worth, every HP book I got (Already on 3rd one and have some other ones in stock) are used or library copies.
- Gideon Lockhart is a piece of shit and I hope he doesn't come back. And, yeah Ron is still my mans and boy I hope he doesn't die.
- Are Slytherin's going to be redeemed in the later books? Because, right now I hope not and they get crushed because its just pure dick baggery. I want some Fire Nation from ATLA vibes but its just pure mustache twirling. Like, kick these folks out if they have a latent time bomb monster that pops up every 50 years! Maybe its a balance thing like color black in Magic? Still got plenty of books.
- The mandrakes reminded me of Pan's Labyrinth, one of my favorite movies, so yay for that little aside. Going to have to go re-watch it.
- Harry has some Sailor Moon vibes to him what with the MacGuffin's showing up at the last minute to save him. Sword and a phoenix ally? That is usually two seasons deep of upgrades for the hero.
- Are there other magical school that are not Hogwarts? Because could I go there where there aren't monsters and the looming threat of being collateral damage in Harry's story?
- I am liking this world and the wizardy a lot more than I expected. Thought I would be immune but here I am thinking what my wand would be made of and what I would specialize in going into my third year. Don't worry, those are surely coming in a later post.
- Is this book set in 1992? Because when Nearly Headless Nick has his 500 year deathday party it says he died around 1492. I would guess since it is just a few years before when she wrote it. Still feels very timeless, but help me place it. Lucky I was not some British kid in 1992 or I would "Hey, ya think Harry liked....whatever British kids liked in 1992?"
Friday, June 12, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Tuesday, June 09, 2020
Coffee Shop
![]() |
Source: Pexels, Chevanon Photography |
Sunday Morning
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It's official! After six years, Amanda and I are leaving the Ithaca area! By April 21st, any posts (or lack of posts) will originate fro...
"My final day at the magic shop, I stood behind the counter where I had pitched Svengali decks and the Incredible Shrinking Die, and I ...